It’s time to ditch your hang-ups and embrace
your curves. Kristoph Thompson reveals how to hone a bombshell body
Looking great is a much about rock-solid
confidence as it is rock-hand abs. so what would it take to boost your
self-esteem? A workout that celebrates your curves and sculpts your waist
should do it!
A trim waist ranks highly on our wish list
for many reasons, not lease it’s vital for a healthy heart. We also love how it
echoes the sexy silhouettes of ’50s-era screen sirens. To rock your own
magnificent middle you’ll need to take a triple-pronged approach involving
high-intensity cardio, healthy eating and effective toning moves.
These eight exercises, which get your heart
pumping while targeting your waist, thighs and shoulders, will put on the fast
track to a hot hourglass figure. All ability levels should aim to complete four
to five circuits of the workout three times a week to see scorching results.
Kit you’ll need
3 – 5kg dumbbell
4 – 8kg kettlebell
Two-point plank

Stomach, shoulders, lower back
Begin in plank position with your upper body
supported by your forearms.
Lift your right hand and left foot off the floor
and hold for a count of one, keeping your hips and shoulders level.
Return to the start position. This counts as one
rep. switch sides with each rep.
Beginner: 8 – 10 reps
Intermediate: 10 – 12 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Keep your core engaged and your body in a
straight line from head to toe
Frog jump

Stomach, cardio
Begin in plank position with your core tight.
Jump your feet forward, then jump your feet back
and out to one side straightening your legs.
Jump your feet back in, then out to the other
side and in, to complete one rep.
Beginner: 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate: 12 – 15 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Land softly on your toes with each jump
Striding jack

Begin standing with your feet together and your
arms at your sides.
Perform a jumping jack, then jump again and land
with your right foot and your left arm forward.
Jump again, alternating your arms and legs, so
your left leg and right arm are in front. Jump your feet together and bring
your arms to your side.
Continue the sequence for the allotted time.
Beginner: 30 seconds
Intermediated: 45 seconds
Advanced: 60 seconds
Land softly, with your knees bent, keeping
your body upright throughout
Side crunch

Sides of stomach
Lie on your back on a mat with your knees bent,
taking your legs over to your left and resting them on the floor.
Place your hands lightly on your temples and
slowly crunch upwards.
Lower and repeat for the required number of reps
to complete one set, then take your legs to the right for the next set.
Beginner: 10 – 12 reps each side
Intermediate: 12 – 15 reps each side
Advanced: 14 – 20 reps each side
Keep your neck relaxed and don’t pull with
your head
Side pulse

Sides of stomach, shoulders
Begin in side plank position, supporting your
upper body on your right forearm, with your body in a straight line from your
feet to your shoulders. Rest your left hand on your left hip.
Lower your hips to the floor, bending from your
waist, and rise slowly up. Repeat to complete one set then switch sides.
To make it harder, hold a dumbbell against the
hip that’s furthest from the floor.
Beginner: 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate: 12 – 15 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Keep your hips in line and your core tight
Kettlebell swing

Thighs, bottom, shoulders, stomach
Stand with your feet just wider than
shoulder-width apart, with a kettlebell positioned on the floor between your
Reach down, pushing your hips back and take hold
of the handle of the kettlebell in your left hand, palm facing toward you.
Straighten your hips and knees, pushing your
chest height, keeping your arm straight.
Immediately swing down again, and repeat. Change
arms after the allotted time.
Beginner: 30 seconds
Intermediate: 45 seconds
Advanced: 60 seconds
Ensure the movement is continuous and
fluid. Keep your back straight throughout.

Stomach, sides of stomach
Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, with your
arm pointing toward the ceiling.
Lift your head and right shoulder a few inches
off the floor and hold for a count of one.
Slowly lower and repeat. Change arms on the
second set.
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 12 – 15 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed and
your lower back in contact with the floor
Travelling burpee

Thighs, bottom, cardio
Begin standing, then squat down, placing your
hands on the floor either side of your feet.
Jump your feet backward into plank position,
then back in toward your hands. Jump up and forward as far as you can. Land
softly to complete one rep. repeat for the allotted time
If space is limited, turn to face the other way
after rach jump
Beginner: 30 seconds
Intermediate: 45 seconds
Advanced: 60 seconds
Don’t allow your hips to sag or your back
to arch during the plank