The lower body circuit
For the full body workout, alternate
one circuit of the upper body moves with one lower body circuit, and do three
Hip bridge
Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your
feet flat on the floor, close to your bum.
Push your hips into the air so your body forms a
straight line from knee to shoulder. Hold this position at the top and squeeze
your buttocks together while bracing your abs.

double-benefit move will lift your bum and flatten your tum
Twister squats
In a standing position, place your hands behind
your head.
Push your bottom back and lower it towards the
floor, keeping your heels down, until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Explode up, jumping into the air and turning 90
degrees to the right, and instantly pushing down into another squat.
Jump again to twist 90 degrees back to your
starting direction, and squat again.
Jump again to twist 90 degrees to the left,
squatting to absorb the landing, then jump again to return to your start
direction. Repeat for the allocated time.

Bulgarian split squats
Stand about a yard in front of a chair, facing
away from it, and place one foot on the seat of the chair behind you.
Making sure you’re stable and well balanced,
move your bum back and lower it towards the floor, until your front thigh is
parallel with the floor.
Rise back up, squeezing your buttocks at the
top, and repeat. Change legs halfway through the allocated time.

your chair against a wall so it won’t shift under your weight
Reverse lunges
Stand with your feet flat, hip-width apart,
and your hands behind your head.
Step back about a yard with your right
foot, lowering your right foot, lowering your right knees as close to the floor
as possible.
Rise back up, exhaling as you do so. Repeat
on the opposite side.

your back straight throughout all the moves