
Are you tired of the egg diet, or to limit eating shrimp? If you are avoiding foods because of their high cholesterol, you may need to rethink your strategy.

Nutrition experts note that while the foods such as eggs are rich in cholesterol, the effect of cholesterol in the diet for most people is insignificant compared to the real villain: saturated fats and trans fats. In addition, a number of cholesterol-rich foods such as eggs are great sources of protein low-fat, inexpensive as well as many other nutrients.

Description: Eggs are not the real villain.

Eggs are not the real villain.

Effect of dietary cholesterol

The main point is that dietary cholesterol increases blood cholesterol levels; however, other factors are more important. For most healthy people, in general, dietary cholesterol won’t increase blood levels significantly.

Description: Dietary cholesterol won’t increase blood levels significantly.

Dietary cholesterol won’t increase blood levels significantly.

In contrast, that is not necessarily a green light to order your omelet. The passion of the cholesterol-rich foods can cause others negative effect, including increased blood pressure in some people.

Cholesterol is lipid, or fat, which is essential for life and health in moderate volume. The quantity of cholesterol in your blood is important due to the relationship between high blood cholesterol and cardiovascular problems, including heart disease. High blood cholesterol can also be harmful to diabetic and kidney disease’s people.

The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that everyone older than 20 years old generally should have a total blood cholesterol levels less than 200 mg/dL. With LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, levels should be less than 100mg/dL, and for HDL, the "good" cholesterol, levels should be 60 mg/dL, which is considered useful in fighting heart disease.

Levels of triglycerides, a type of lipid, are also very important. Most healthy people should have triglyceride levels below 150mg/dL.

According to the American Heart Association, dietary guidelines for Americans recommend that healthy adults should eat less than 300 mg/dL of cholesterol per day. That's why foods like eggs and shrimps attract a lot of attention. One large egg has about 185 mg/dL cholesterol, while a 3-ounce serving of shrimp has more than 100 mg/dL.

Focus on total fat

The lowering of dietary cholesterol is not a way to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Pay attention to the overall diet, and focus their efforts on tracking the absorption of total fat.

Especially, important things are to replace saturated fats, found in foods such as meats and cheeses in particular, by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats beneficial for better health.

Genetics and lifestyle can play an important role in blood cholesterol levels. Body produces cholesterol, regardless of cholesterol you eat more or less. Some people produce more cholesterol than others due to genetics. Factors such as overweight, lack of exercise and smoking also contribute.

An egg per day?

While eggs have long been considered a public enemy No. 1 in the fight against high cholesterol, the research shows that moderate egg consumption - up to 1 egg / day - does not significantly increase the risk of heart disease in most healthy people. However, experts note that research also shows that eggs have an increased risk of heart disease in diabetic people.

If someone has other health problem, such as diabetes or high cholesterol, perhaps he should avoid eating egg yolk, which is where most of the cholesterol is detected, and instead eating the white envelope.

In addition to their high cholesterol, eggs are often served with foods such as sausage, cheese and butter which are rich in saturated fats. But eggs are also high in other nutrients, including vitamins A, D, B complex vitamins and phosphorus. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which can increase visual acuity.

If you reduce saturated fat intake, you can reduce LDL cholesterol levels between 8% and 10%. The best way to reduce or control your cholesterol levels is an impact on saturated fat and trans fat.

Nutrition experts say that focusing on a level of sugar in the blood, or a nutrient, is the wrong approach. "The moderation in everything" is their mantra.

All of us get into trouble when eating too much of something. Balance and moderation are the main characteristics of diet beneficial to health.

Foods which improve cholesterol controlling

While much attention is devoted to restrict specific foods from your diet to control blood cholesterol levels, nutrition experts say the increased absorption of other foods can  also help.

Soluble fiber - found in foods such as oatmeal, beans and fruits like apples and pears - can help reduce LDL, or bad cholesterol, according to a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association and also a nutrition expert.

Description: Soluble fiber can help reduce LDL, or bad cholesterol.

Soluble fiber can help reduce LDL, or bad cholesterol.

All of us need to pay more attention to food labels and ingredients list so that we know what's in the food that we eat. Consumers should not automatically select one product category to the "low cholesterol" on the label. It is important to consider the overall food, choose high fiber content and endeavor to limit added sugars, sodium and total fat.


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