Maintaining a diet is always easier if you can
control completely the cooking. But holidays do not mean your diet go away.
There are many ways to keep your calories under control while you’re away from
home, but you may have to make some changes when you can’t cook by yourself.
Do research before you go
Many restaurant chains have their own websites
which provide their menu’s information. You can even see the amount of calories
for each item. Take note of items to avoid and those that are suitable for your
diet and your taste. Some restaurants mark the diet-friendly foods on menu.
Remember those information in mind when choosing where to eat.
Bring healthy snack alongside you
Bring some energy bars and other healthy
snack. When driving, you can pack fruit and other low-calorie items to help you
get away from vending machine temptation or drive-through desperation.

some energy bars and other healthy snack.
Have lunch at a grocery store
A grocery store with full services will have many kinds of
fruit, yogurt, granola bars and other items which don’t ruin your diet plan.
Some have salad bars where you can choose your own items and portions.
Order salads? Be careful!
Salad maybe a low-calorie choice, but you
should care about high-fat and high-calories food. Breaded and fried chicken
(often called “crispy”) has more calories than grilled chicken. Other items to
avoid include refried beans (common in taco salads), high-fat dressings (blue
cheese is a good example) and many kinds of cheeses.

is good for your health.
Watch for healthful cooking methods
Choose grilled meat, seafood or veggies instead of fries.
Beware of sauces: a white sauce, or anything else which is described as
“creamy” often has more fat than a tomato or marinara sauce.
Reduce portion size
Here are some strategies to cut portion size: Try ordering
an appetizer as your main meal. Consider sharing your appetizer with someone
else instead of eating it all by yourself. Plan to eat just a half of your meal
and take home the rest (or leave it on your plate).
Choose zero-calories beverages
Ask for diet soda, unsweetened iced tea, or even a tall
glass of ice water with lemon. Save those calories in sweetened soda for
another part of meal. Restaurants often refill your drink for free, which can
add up to several hundred calories if you don’t order a diet drink.
Beware of alcoholic drinks
This is another area where research can serve you well. Look
up the calories in your favorite beverages before the trip and know which
drinks you should avoid. Some can contain 500 calories in 1 glass, some can
contain less than that. You should decide which drinks you should avoid and
stick to your plan.
Take a walk
Look for opportunities to walk for exercise. Choose walking
instead of bus. Get up early and explore the
area around your hotel by foot or take advantage of the pool or fitness room of
the hotel.
Plan for a small fun
After all, you’re on vacation! Consequently, get 1 or 2
meals without thinking about diet and enjoy what you want. You should think of
it as a reward for sticking to the diet for the rest of the trip.

After all, you’re
on vacation!