The cult of CrossFit has taken the global
fitness scene by storm: today, there are 187 CrossFit affiliated gyms in the UK
and 4,500 worldwide.
And it’s no wonder, when you consider how
well the regime works and the benefits it brings. CrossFit fuses Olympic
weightlifting with power-lifting, calisthenics (simple movements, generally
without using equipment), gymnastics, sprints and Plyometrics exercises
focusing on fast, powerful movements. The workouts are varied and intense a
CrossFit ‘WOD’ (workout of the day) pushes you to the limit and gets you fitter
and firmer than ever. And you can expect to burn 300-400 calories in a
60-minute session.
And you don’t have to train at a CrossFit
gym to experience the benefits. We asked leading CrossFit personal trainer
Brian Sharp to create three CrossFit-inspired workouts especially for you.
‘CrossFit is a functional training program
used by the US Navy and Marines; it’s also fun and effective,’ he says.
‘Combined, these workouts will prepare you for real-world tasks by boosting
your strength, power, stamina and co-ordination, as well as your balance,
agility and flexibility.’
The Workouts
Do these three micro workouts each week on
separate days. Scribble down the time or rep results to track your progress and
improvements. When an exercise starts to feel easy, upgrade to the tougher
variation by following our progression tip.
A stopwatch, an 8kg kettlebell (or heavier)
and a skipping rope.
WOD #1
Race The Clock
This is a task priority WOD, which means
you have an exact number of reps and rounds to do. Your goal is to race the
clock and complete the exercises as fast as you can with good form. Ready, steady…
Target: Five rounds
Kettlebell Swing

Progression: Increase the kettlebell’s
range of motion, if you can do it without compromising technique.
Reps: 10
Benefits: Builds stamina, strength and
power in the hamstrings, glutes and lower back, while working shoulders and
Place the kettlebell on the floor. Stand with
your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out slightly.
Bend your knees, push your hips back and grab
the top of the kettlebell with both hands. Keep your back straight
Swing the kettle bell back between your legs and
stand up quickly, by snapping your hips forward and squeezing your glutes Swing
the kettle bell in an arc to chest height, as you stand (a) (progress to
swinging it higher).
Let the kettle bell fall back through your legs
(b) (don’t put it down) and repeat.
Kettle bell Rotations

the kettle bell at a faster pace, or opt for a heavier weight.
Progression: Rotate the kettle bell at a
faster pace, or opt for a heavier weight.
Reps: 20
Benefits: Highly effective waist whittling
exercise that works your abs in a sideways movement and targets your lower
Sit with your knees bent and a kettlebell on the
floor to your right.
Pick up the kettlebell using the sides of the
handle, so your palms are facing together, lean back 45˚and lift
your feet off the floor (a).
Rotate the kettlebell to the left and lower the
weight to touch the floor (b). That’s one rep. Immediately repeat to the right.
Butterfly Sit-Up
Progression: To increase your power, speed
up or hold a weight against your chest as your sit up.

increase your power, speed up or hold a weight against your chest as your sit
Top Tip: Too tough? Do a regular sit-up,
rather than compromise good technique!
Reps: 30
Benefits: This sit-up variation is an
intense abdominal exercise that relies on strong core muscles -plus a little
hip action.
Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet
together. Your heels are tucked up towards your bottom and your knees are
Lie back and stretch your hands above your head
until your fingers touch the floor (a).
Sit up until you can touch your shoelaces (b).
Don’t throw your hands forward to help you! Lie back and repeat.
WOD #2
Pick Up The Pace
You have 12 minutes to perform AMRAP (as
many rounds -or reps -as possible). Your goal is to pick up the pace and clock
a personal best number of rounds in the set time.
Time: 12 minutes
1. Skipping

how to do a ‘double under’ – swinging the rope twice per jump
Progression: Learn how to do a ‘double
under’ swinging the rope twice per jump
Reps: 100 SKIPS
Benefit: This simple aerobic exercise
brings many benefits -including improved co-ordination, agility and balance.
Stand tall with your body in front of the rope
and a handle in each hand
Using a large arm movement, swing the rope
forward and over your head. As the rope moves towards your feet, jump and let
it hit the floor.
After the first jump, try to drive the rope
around with small wrist movements rather than large arm movements.
Progression: Push-up pros can put their
feet on a box or bench and do an elevated push-up.

pros can put their feet on a box or bench and do an elevated push-up.
Top Tip: If you’re a push-up novice, do
this exercise standing and pushing against a wall
Reps: as many as possible
Benefits: This bodyweight exercise
strengthens muscles in your chest, arms and shoulders, as well as working the
core, back, hip flexors and quads.
Lie face-down on the floor, hands under
shoulders, fingers pointing forward, palms down and arms slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart (a).
Engage your core and push your chest off the
floor until you’re in a plank position (b).
Bend your elbows to lower your body back down,
until your chest is nearly touching it. Pause and repeat.
WOD #3
Reduce The Recovery
This is another task-priority WOD, with an
exact number of reps and rounds to do. To make it extra hard, and complete the
exercises in super-quick time, reduce the amount of time you spend resting
between each round.
Target: three rounds
1. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Progression: Keeping good form, lift the
weight faster or pick a heavier kettle bell.

good form, lift the weight faster or pick a heavier kettle bell.
Reps: 15
Benefit: This fantastic exercise targets
the upper and lower body, building both strength and stamina.
Start with the kettle bell on the floor and your
feet in a wide ‘sumo’ stance with toes pointing out.
Keeping your back extended and eyes looking
ahead, bend your knees and grip the kettle bell with both hands (a).
Quickly stand up, shrug your shoulders and begin
pulling the kettlebell upwards with your elbows leading the way. Pause with the
weight under your chin and elbows high (b).
Lower the kettle bell to waist level, maintaining
the shrug with straight arms (c). That’s one rep. Repeat.
Over The Bar Burpee
Progression: Jump quickly into the prone
position from standing, but be careful not to head butt the floor!
Reps: 10
Benefit: This is a full-body exercise that
bolsters strength, power, balance and aerobic fitness.

Put a weight on the floor and stand to the right
side of it with your feet roughly shoulder width apart (a). Squat down and put
your hands on the floor in front of you.
Kick your feet back and hold a plank position(b).
Lower yourself until your chest and thighs are close to the floor (c).
Push your feet back in towards your hands (d)
and leap immediately up (e) and over (f) the weight. That’s one rep. Repeat and
jump back over the weight.