Tricep Dip
Area trained: Rear upper arms

Sit on the floor with your legs bent and
your feet by your bottom. If you’re advanced, keep your legs straight out in
front, heels together and toes apart.
Place your hands directly underneath your
shoulders, with your fingers pointing toward your feet.
Press your hips up toward the ceiling, then
lean back into your palms and bend your elbows to lower down. Straighten your
elbows to return to the starting position and repeat.
Beginner: 10 slow reps and 10 pulses
Intermediate: 2 x 10 slow reps and 10
Advanced: 2 x 15 slow reps and 15 pulses
Safety Tip
Don’t lock your elbows
Forearm Plank
Areas trained: Core, shoulders
Lying on your stomach, bring your forearms
out in front of you, placing your palms flat and keeping your elbows directly
underneath your shoulders.
Curl your toes under, engage your abs and
lift your body off the floor. Tip forward onto the balls of your feet and keep your
hips in line with your shoulders. Aim to flatten out your back and pull your
core in. Hold, then roll forward and backward on the balls of your feet.
Beginner: 2 x 5 reps
Intermediate: 2 x 10 reps
Advanced: 2 x 15 reps
Safety Tip
Keep your abs tight throughout the exercise
Wall Squat
Area trained: Thighs
Lean against a wall and slide down so your
legs are bent to 90 degrees and your lower back is supported by the wall.
Position a medicine ball between your inner
thighs. Squeeze to hold it in place.
Slowly squeeze the ball even harder, making
sure your back is actively pressed into the wall and your knees are directly
over your ankles.
Beginner: 1 x 30 squeezes
Intermediate: 1 x 50 squeezes
Advanced: 1 x 80 squeezes with your arms
Safety Tip
If you have weak knees, keep your hips
higher than your knees
Leg Lift
Area trained: Front of thighs

Stand with your back next to a chair,
resting your arms on it. Your heels should be together with your toes apart.
Slightly bend both knees and extend one leg
in front of you with your foot flexed and toes upward.
Slowly move the extended leg upward for two
counts, and then down for two counts.
Beginner: 10 reps each movement
Intermediate : 15 reps each movement, add
ankle weights
Advanced: 20 reps each movement, add ankle
Safety Tip
You should feel this in your front thigh.
If you feel it in your knee or hip, make the move smaller
Leg Lift
Area trained: Front of thighs

Leg lift
Stand with your back next to a chair,
resting your arms on it. Your heels should be together with your toes apart.
Slightly bend both knees and extend one leg
in front of you with your foot flexed and toes upward.
Slowly move the extended leg upward for two
counts, and then down for two counts.
Beginner: 10 reps each movement
Intermediate : 15 reps each movement, add
ankle weights
Advanced: 20 reps each movement, add ankle
Safety Tip
You should feel this in your front thigh.
If you feel it in your knee or hip, make the move smaller