Got room for only one piece of fit
kit? Then make it a medicine ball. An old favourite, there are literally
hundreds of fat-burning, body honing moves you can do with it.
Med-Ball Slam
Works: shoulders, arms, core

Start with the ball held above your head in both
hands, with feet shoulder-width apart.
Bring your arms down, slamming the ball to the
ground in front of you with force.
Step back and catch it on the rebound.
Med-Ball Twist
Works: core, abs, obliques

Sit upright with the ball held resting on your
chest, legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
Lower your upper body backwards to the floor
keeping your stomach pulled in tight and a firm hold of the ball.
Sit up and twist the ball to either side of your
torso as far as your range allows. Then return it to your chest.
Med-Ball Javelin Throw
Works: shoulders, arms, core

Javelin Throw
Place the ball in the palm of one hand at
shoulder-height and offset your feet so one is in front of the other. Lean your
weight back onto your rear leg.
Power the ball forwards with as much force
as possible. Ideally, this exercise should be done in an open space, but you
can do it against a sturdy wall, too.
Med-Ball Clean
Works: thighs, glutes, core

Sand in front of the ball with your feet
shoulder-width apart.
Squat down, take the ball in both hands and
drive up from the floor, forcing the weight into your heels and rolling your
shoulders so the ball is against your chest, elbows facing forwards.
With the ball in this position, squat as low as
you can before standing up straight, letting the ball hand down in your hands.