Although there’s a chicken pox vaccine, many people are still
infected with the virus. Chicken pox often comes with flu-like symptoms and
unsightly ulcers on all over the body. If there’s no timely treatment, the
ulcers can become permanent scarring. Prevent it from happening to your skin
and treat ulcers while you’re still infected with the virus.
Treat rash and ulcers on skin. Apply a lotion made up of Chamomile on
your skin to prevent itch. Vinegar and lemonade are good natural remedies to
prevent itch.
Use sandalwood oil to prevent your skin from bacteria. Cut your
fingernails and clean them in the case you accidentally scratch your skin.
Wear loose clothes when being infected with the disease. Loose clothes
prevent itch that accompanies with chicken pox. Wear clothes made up of natural
wool like cotton so that your skin could breath.
Apply vitamin E oil on the scars after the disease has gone. Do it twice
a day. Circular massage also helps promote self-healing because it increases
blood circulation on skin.

You can make
yourself a oatmeal soap by combining oatmeal and baking soda.
Take baths with oatmeal soap. Create a thick mixture with oatmeal and
baking soda to treat ulcers. Wash the skin once the mixture is dry; thereby,
you can escape yourself from itch and dry the ulcers.
Include vitamin A, C, D and K in your daily diet to strengthen your
immune system. When your body fights against being infected with viruses, you
need to observe the healthy diet that is rich in these vitamins.
Tips and warnings

E oil has good effects on removing scars.
Vitamin E oil helps reduce scarring because it keep your skin
healthy and hydrate the skin.
Although home methods are often beneficial and natural, meet a
dermatologist if your scars are so severe that it makes you feel unconfident
about your look.
Make sure you don’t scratch your skin because scratched ulcers
often lead to scarring. Clean your nails because there’re chances you’ll break
your skin and cause infections to it.