Pregnant accident because of amniotic fluid
is considered dangerous accident during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women
should be vigilant with their amniotic fluid state.
Babies that develop in mothers’ wombs are
surrounded by amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid plays an important part in
existing and developing of fetus. It has function of restoring energy and
providing nutrients for fetus. Moreover, it can help fetuses avoid excessive
impediment of outside effects, protect babies from breaking into of bacteria
and provide many other important functions for fetus’s life.

that develop in mothers’ wombs are surrounded by amniotic fluid.
The amount of amniotic of pregnant women
can be different, it can also increase and reduce and this thing depends on
time of becoming pregnant. In the 37th week, the highest amount of
amniotic fluid is approximately 1000ml. But in some cases, the amount of
amniotic in mothers’ womb is too much or too little. This state is called small
amniotic fluid or poly amniotic fluid. Although it is small amniotic fluid or
poly amniotic fluid, it can contain the risk for pregnancy. While small
amniotic fluid can make babies be choked, poly amniotic fluid can make babies renal
failure. Therefore, pregnant women need to understand clearly to have ways to
prevent and cure timely.
1. Poly amniotic fluid
If there is a lot of amniotic fluid, it
will be called poly amniotic fluid. It often shows about unusual things in
babies’ development. Doctor will diagnose pregnant women have poly amniotic
fluid if the amount of amniotic fluid that is measured in ultrasound scan is
over 2 liters.
If pregnant women have a lot of amniotic
fluid, they can recognize that their womb seems to be bigger, their womb
stretches and it will create unpleasant feeling.

pregnant women have a lot of amniotic fluid, they can recognize that their womb
seems to be bigger.
of poly amniotic fluid
Because of fetus:
Poly fetus
Unusual fetus
Disease about placenta
Fetus has inborn disorder about heart.
Fetus’s nerve doesn’t develop completely; as a
result, it will lead to absence of swallowing reflex.
Fetus has motionless syndrome.
Because of
pregnant women:
Have disease about blood vessels
Infection: rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis
Or some other special reasons
Poly amniotic fluid can cause risk for
fetus such as unusual fetus, cord prolapse when amniotic fluid breaks or
process of beginning labor takes place. It can even cause death. To mothers,
acute poly amniotic fluid can lead to hemorrhage after giving birth, placental
Poly amniotic fluid should be followed and
cured because it can lead to premature birth.
To reduce the risk of premature birth, pregnant
women should take a rest more in the last weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, they
should go to see doctor regularly to follow state of neck of the womb and baby.
In cases that are especially difficult,
doctors advise pregnant women to go to the hospital to have medical monitoring.
You also need to check the total health to define genetic diseases for babies.
If genetic disease is reason that causes poly amniotic fluid, pregnant women
will be kept in the hospital immediately to carry out curing specifically.
In some cases, doctors can fill a
prescription to help restore the normal amount of amniotic fluid.
2. Small amniotic fluid
If amniotic fluid is too little (under
600ml), it is called small amniotic fluid. It is more dangerous than poly
amniotic fluid With minimum level, it can lead to bad development of lungs,
bone and other organs of babies. It also increases the risk of death of
Height of uterus is smaller than fetus’s
age. Measurement is often low and it tends to reduce more than standard
measurement. Fetus often moves weakly.
of small amniotic fluid
Fetus has renal failure.
Leak out amniotic fluid
Declination in development and function of
Fetus is over day.
Complication of mothers: Mothers will lose
water, have high blood pressure, puerperal eclampsia, diabetes…
The risks that relate to lacking amniotic
fluid depend on fetus’s age.
If lacking amniotic fluid is detected in
the first half of pregnancy, serious complications can include limiting
development of fetus, premature birth, complication of beginning labor and
being suggested to make caesarean and it can even lead to fetus’s death.
It depends on each period of fetus to have
direction to cure small amniotic fluid.
In the first 3 months, you need to define the
reason, you can stop pregnancy once doctors detect the reason from mother or
embryo. After that, mothers will be cured about reason absolutely, especially
diseases from mother.
In the middle 3 months: You also need to define
the reason of small amniotic fluid, especially disease of fetus and serious
inborn defects. In necessary cases, mothers can stop pregnancy when doctors
define the risk of defect a lot and serious level.
In the last 3 months of pregnancy: Take a rest,
drink a lot of water every day with medium level: 3 liters of mineral water or
mothers can go to the hospital to be drip-fed so that it can increase discharge
of blood to uterus. Make ultrasound scan to measure amniotic fluid index about
once or twice/ week until you give birth. Stop pregnancy when fetus is 37-week
old or tests about evaluating health of fetus don’t ensure.

the last 3 months of pregnancy, mothers can go to the hospital to be drip-fed
to increase discharge of blood to uterus.