Stress Is Determined By The Beholder
Stress is a part of life.
Life today is complex, and it is impossible to avoid stress. How much
stress a person encounters and how she or he deals with it frequently
has a direct connection with mental health. This section will look at
stress and its many interesting dimensions, and will address strategies
for change.

Stress is what we
experience internally in response to a situation we find hard to deal
with. Most of us handle routine stress readily. In other words, we are
able to “handle the situation.” We can resolve our feelings and
dissipate the tension. What is stressful for one person, however, may
not be for another. In this sense, it may be counterproductive to tell
someone not to worry about a situation if you do not consider the same
situation as stressful. We all react to situations differently; it is
part of being human.
Stress is a
learning laboratory that constantly teaches us about how to successfully
handle the difficulties we encounter in life. In the same way that
exercising keeps our bodies physically fit, dealing effectively with the
demands that affect our emotions keeps us mentally fit.
Anxiety is a signal that we
are under stress. If this feeling keeps recurring, stress is not being
dealt with effectively. For example, if you find yourself continually
upset and angry, it would be worthwhile to determine the source of your
anger and then find some appropriate way to deal with it. Otherwise your
feelings will build and produce negative effects.
When our feelings build
beyond a certain point, we begin to experience strain. If the situation
we find troublesome disappears, the feeling of stress goes away. If the
pressure does not let up, we eventually will show signs of mental and
physical exhaustion.

Stress is essentially
within us even though we may perceive it as coming from outside. It is
important to recognize that not everyone experiences the same
circumstances as stressful.
Expected “life
events” that we all encounter are often stressful. These events include
the entire range of experiences: a new birth; entering school; marriage;
divorce; the loss of a family member, etc.
Sudden, unexpected
catastrophic events are well-known causes of stress. Situations that
result in our chronically feeling bad, either about ourselves or others,
also can result in stress.
Expressing emotions is
often difficult. The ability to recognize stress, and then learn to
manage it through an appropriate expression of emotions, is extremely
important when personally coping with stress.
People who continually hold
their emotions inside often “boil over” at inappropriate times. This may
damage their relationships with others. This seems to occur most often
where stress has built up over a period of time. One way to help avoid
this is to talk things over before the “boiling point” is reached.
Stress Means Different Things
People think about
stress in different ways. For some, stress is related to a set of
feelings that gives them an awareness that “something is not right.” For
others, stress is basically a series of stressful events. These are
predictable events based on the fact that the human experience includes a
whole variety of life events that have significant meaning. For others,
stress might be more accurately identified as a lifestyle. This
lifestyle involves an intensive drive that ultimately affects us and
others. Additionally, some see stress as the resulting physical
symptoms, including ulcers, heart attacks, hypertension, etc. Being able
to recognize that all of the above items describe the same process is
helpful in understanding stress.
Below are some examples of the various ways to identify stress:
Keyed Up Feeling
Depression |
Death of Family Member
Business Failure |
Intensive Drive
Time Urgency
Guilty When Not Working |
Heart Attack
Stroke |