Don’t you know that pregnant women’s uterus
can expand 500 times larger than normal?
Being pregnant is a miracle as your body
will be completely changed with the little creature inside. Physical and
emotional changes are various to every pregnant woman.
The followings are strange things about
pregnancy. We hope that the information we provided will help you know more
about pregnancy.
The uterus gets 500 times larger when pregnant
It’s not only the visible bump and limps
that change in pregnancy, but the organs get considerably bigger inside,
especially the uterus. We all know that the uterus has to get bigger so that
the fetus can survive but, the following number will surprise you. Pregnant
women’s uteruses can get 500 times as big as usual. Is that an incredible

in the 10th week, fetuses like putting their hands on the placenta.
In the 10th week, fetuses can put their hands
on the placenta
Surprisingly, in the 10th week,
fetuses have an interest that is extremely strange, putting their hands on the
placenta. There’s no precise research that explains the phenomenon ,though;
it’s an interesting discovery.
Tuesday – the day of birth
It’s very special that there were many
children born on Tuesday. On that day, the number of birth is much more than
other days of the week. It’s the result of a recent research. Wait and see what
day your children are born.
There were only 5% of children coming out in the due date
There’re many children born in a week or 2
weeks late from the due date. 50% in those were born in around the week that
contains the due date. The others were born far later or earlier than the due
date. There were only 5% of children coming out on time.

were 5% of children coming out on time.
Fish helps babies be smarter
Fish is a kind of food that is proved to be
very good for human brain, especially fetal brain. A recent research has shown
that when pregnant women eat lots of fish, their children will know how to talk
2 as fast as others who were born by people who barely eat fish. However,
pregnant women should choose fish that contain a little or has no mercury. It’d
better if you eating small fish and eat the whole of it.
Pregnant women will have great desire on eating

morning sickness just occurs popularly in the 3 first months of pregnancy.
The morning sickness just occurs popularly
in the 3 first months of pregnancy. According to nutrition specialists, when
pregnant, women’s bodies produce necessary matters that lead to appetite. At
that time, pregnant women should have a sensible and nutritious diet. Remember,
it’s not the reason that is setting your appetite over-controlled.
Legs get bigger considerably
As pregnant women’s bodies are bigger,
their legs get bigger also. However, the size of feet is considerably because
of the gestational swelling which is caused by water accumulation. Good news is
the phenomenon will disappear after the pregnancy.