Whether you choose normal delivery or caesarean, or have the
doctor predict about the time and how difficult the first delivery is, you may
never know how you can come through the labor pain. Some women predicted to
come through an extremely difficult labor can easily push the baby out within a
few minutes without having any pain. Meanwhile, lots of women listen to their
mother’s and sister’s story about how comfortable and easy it is for them at
labor time, and they’re elated and think that if they have the same gene,
blood, they can give birth easily. The time and the intensity of labor pain of
each pregnant woman are different, and you can’t know how you’re going to
overcome the pain until you experience yourself.

Whether you choose
normal delivery or caesarean, or have the doctor predict about the time and how
difficult the first delivery is, you may never know how can come through the
labor pain.
The moment the child is born is unlike what you may think
Maybe you’re pretty stress preparing for the birth of your
baby, which is a quite spiritual and important event to you, but around you,
nurses can still happily chat about completely unrelated things such as they’ve
just found out a restaurant with extremely delicious foods or a clothing store
is having a huge sale. You shouldn’t surprise or get angry about this as this
is a meaningful moment for you, but just a daily task for them. Nurses will try
to get into a conversation with you, confide with you to understand you more,
in order to make you somewhat happier, forget the fatigues and pains of
delivery. You should also remember that if the staffs in your crew can
comfortably smile and have fun with each other, that’s a sign that they’re in
harmony with each other and support a delivery doesn’t seem to be too much
difficult for them.

The moment the
baby comes to this world may be important to you, but it’s not a big concern of
the doctors, nurses…
After delivery you still have to push…
You can relieve yourself when thinking that your mission is
over, as you’ve seen the baby, but in fact, the contractions still exist as you
have to push out the placenta. After the baby’s umbilical cord is cut, the
doctors will gently pull the umbilical cord and ask you to push one more time.
Then, the doctors or nurses will ask you to take the remaining umbilical cord
out immediately or a few minutes later. To pregnant women, even during labor,
there may be no more uncomfortable annoyance rather than taking the pain of the
second push.

You can relieve
yourself when thinking that your mission is over, as you’ve seen the baby, but,
in fact, the contractions still exist as you have to push out the placenta.
The doctor may even use the heart rate monitor
During labor, the heart rate of the baby will be kept track
of by the electrodes placed on your belly. If, at some moment, the heart rate
seems to be unusual or can’t be detected, the doctor will put a monitor directly
on the baby’s scalp. This monitor will get through the cervix and stick on the
baby’s head. This process may sound creepy and worrying as a heart rate monitor
is several-millimeter deep in the baby’s head, but actually, the complications
such as bleeding and infection are rare. When the baby’s head has come out, the
wires for monitoring the heart rate of the baby will be cut, and after you
safely give birth to your baby, the heart rate monitors will be removed from
the baby’s head.
You can see the placenta
If you’re curious, you can see your own placenta. Many women
are surprised to realize that their placenta may be that big, long and thick.
The amnion forming the amniotic sacs will be pushed out with about a soda can
of blood. This may make some people scare when witnessing such bloody scene,
but some women feel pretty excited when looking at the place where their babies
live throughout the 9 interminable months.
The baby will be very busy after coming to this world
There’re lots of processes that will be performed right when
your baby comes to this world. Your child is likely to take vitamin K which
helps to treat the blood slots, and he will also be applied ointment containing
erythromycin antibiotic in their eyes to avoid the risk of being blind due to
the bacteria possibly appearing in the birth canals. And, don’t worry if the
baby’s hands and legs are blue; he is just getting familiar with having more
oxygen in their blood, which is a sign of your baby learning how to breathe.
The blue will be over within the next few days.