In the womb, fetuses can hear, feel… even
learn and remember things.
Teaching sound for fetuses when they are
in the womb
Medical conceptions in several previous
decades believed that fetuses were affectless and had no personality forming or
development. Nowadays, within modern medical developments, people discovered
that children developed their personalities when they were in the womb. As
fetuses, they know what they like and dislike obviously. Therefore, any
activity of you, from the movement, social relationship to listening to music,
reading books and watching movie… has certain effects on your babies. For that
reason, experts think that you don’t need to hold it till the labor passes, the
period of time that babies are in the womb is the ideal one for you to apply
fetal educating methods in order to help them form emotion and develop positive

the womb, fetuses can hear, feel… even learn and remember things.
The fetal educating method are getting more
and more, such as educating methods based on senses, caress, nice pictures,
mother’s movements… therein, the most popular and effective one is sound
education. However, there’s not so many pregnant women having adequate
knowledge about it, which bring bad result on both mother and child.
a lot of counterproductive sound education
Many pregnant women choose music that is
composed by Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Telemann and Handel… for their fetuses
to listen to. It might become a problem when you don’t like the music because
the listening will make you bored or even stressed. Besides, you have to be
careful in controlling the volume: the loud music just makes fetuses

fetuses listen to music is very good but, pregnant women need to choose the
right one that is suitable to both mother and child in order not to make it
Pregnant women who have suffered from
miscarriage need to be aware of touching the belly. It’s fine that you rub the
belly while talking to your fetus but, the wrong rubbing can lead you to
another miscarriage.
According to modern medical documents, ears
are some of fetal organs that early develop. In the 5th month of
pregnancy, which is about 20th week, fetal ears has completed the
anatomical structure. In the 22nd week, fetuses can hear the sound
of blood flow, heartbeat and their mother’s boiling stomach. They can hear the
sound outside the womb and react to sounds, rhythm and melodious music. So, at
that time, pregnant women should apply sound educating methods on fetuses.
Nevertheless, when practicing the methods, pregnant women should pay attention
to those following notes in order not to receive counterproductive effects.
Science has proved that music with gentle
melodies and rhythms, like the classical and symphony help pregnant women and
fetuses feel comfortable since their frequency is around 60-80 rhythms a minute
which is similar to the heartbeat’s.
However, it doesn’t mean that pregnant
women have to listen to symphonies, classical or chamber music. Folk music,
traditional music and country music with their gentle melody, music that has
happy melodies, lucid and smooth lyrics… that you like can bring similar
effects. Therefore, instead of torturing yourself with chamber music and make
yourself and your fetuses stressed, you can switch to other types that are

women should only listen to music with a limited frequency and amount of time
to avoid making themselves and their fetuses tired.
Additionally, the time and frequency of
listening to music are very important and able to decide fetal education
efficiency. You shouldn’t listen to music too much but should listen to it 2-3
times a day, 20 minutes each. As fetuses are often awake when you sleep and
sleep when you’re awake, you should choose the period of time that fetuses are
awake to listen to music. You can lie on the bed and listen to music while
doing abdominal massage under the guidance; the massage will help fetuses feel
the warmth of your hands. What make fetuses more comfortable than listening to
music and receiving love from their mothers!
It’s important that pregnant women depend
on the situation to decide to use speakers or dedicated headphones. The volume
that is recommended when using speakers is 70 decibel maximum; the louder one
can make fetuses startled and uncomfortable.

caress of parents will help fetuses feel warm and happy in the womb.
To bring fetuses peace of mind, tranquility
and warm, you should sing or talk to them with caress and love. Father is also
very important to fetal development in this period of time. If a father talks
to his children when they’re in the womb, after birth, they will be able to
recognize their father’s voice among a crowded group of people and react to it
in a friendly way; if the babies are angry, their father’s voice will make them
stop crying and calm down. A part from talking and singing, parents can read fetuses
stories that have lucid contents, smooth and rhythmic words, such as fables,
fairytales… with melodious and inspiring voice.

to stories that have lucid content and nice word is good for fetuses.
When educate children with voices, parents
need to add some strokes so that fetuses can feel the love. However, the
strokes have to be gentle and mostly around the sides of the belly; do not
cockle the belly that is near the uterus. Future mothers and fathers can
lightly press the belly with a finger then let go. Do it up to down, left to
right in about 10 minutes before going to sleep. Remember that you should only
use a finger, not a whole hand; if you use a whole hand, you can cause uterine
contractions which lead to bad effects, miscarriage or premature birth. In the
case, women who have had miscarriage have more chance of miscarriage and
premature birth. For that reason, it must be completely avoided.
In one word, when children are in the womb,
they can hear, feel, understand and reacts to things. They even learn and
remember things. Therefore, by educating children with melodious music and sweet
words, fetuses will feel safe and sound in the womb. If children recognize the
world as a safe place, they will be able to develop positive faith and
personalities. Those are all wonderful things that every parent wants their
children to have.