When you’ve been sitting for too long, your
muscles, joints and nerves are affected.
When you have to sit in a long period of
time, the backache will gradually increase and affect muscles, joints,
ligaments, the tendon and nerves.
The followings are tips that help office
workers stop back pains and work effectively.

in the right postures can help you decrease the number of back pains.
Sitting in the right postures
Some people who don’t sit in the right postures
or in bad postures in a long period of time tend to have bone disorders, cause
back pains and stress. To avoid the situation, you should:
Adjust the height of the chair so when you sit
on it, your thighs are parallel to the ground.
Adjust the height of the chair’s rails to make
sure that your shoulders are comfortable and your wrists straight.
Block the seat back in the upright position.
Use an external keyboard when using laptops
If you don’t want to have wrist issues in
the future, you should keep the wrist in a straight posture. Specialists
suggest some ideas following:
Use an external keyboard: When using a laptop,
you should prepare yourself an external keyboard as it will help you keep your
wrists in the right posture.

using a laptop, you should prepare yourself an external keyboard as it will
keep your wrists in the right posture.
Use an external keyboard: When using a laptop,
you should prepare yourself an external keyboard as it will keep your wrists in
the right posture.
Use a desk: Using a keyboard on a desk
can make your wrists more comfortable. Place the keyboard forward and near your
seat to help the wrists be relaxed on the desk.
Adjust the height of the seat sensibly:
Adjusting the height of the seat can help your arms completely lean on the
Adjust the distance sensibly
You might have a feeling of fear which is
very much similar to the fear of watching a horror movie when sitting in front
of the desk as your computer make you stressed, make your eye dizzy and your
back hurt…
Rearrange the stuffs on your desk like
moving the computer screen near to you so that you can see the word clearer.
Change the chair location so that you can feel good when doing your jobs.

avoid back strains and tiredness, you should change the seat position usually
and curve your body to improve blood circulations.
Comfortable leg postures
When you lean forward when using computer,
your legs are under the chair. The action will make your legs stiff as it
interferes with the blood circulation. In the last hour of the work, you will
find your leg bigger and stiff, which due to the blood Cumulation.
To improve the situation, you should put a
distance between two legs.
Move the body often
Being too focused on the work makes your
body stable in a long period of time, which decreases blood supplies to muscles
and make you feel more tired. If you keep doing it, you’ll have to face with
stiffness and pains.
Therefore, to avoid the situation, you
should change your sitting postures and curve the body usually to improve the
blood circulation. You also can stand up and take a 5-minute walk, which will
help you be energetic and active for a whole working day.