Those are tips that can help you to predict
health issues and risks of diseases. By that, you can find better ways to
protect your health.
The followings are diseases or health
issues that are genetic and can be transmitted from mothers.
1. Menopause

can take information from your mother’s premenopause and menopause and apply it
on your situation.
The age of menopause has 85% due to genetic
factors. Most of women have menopause when they reach 39-51 years old. It takes
them 5 years to have they period disappeared completely (the time they
officially have menopause).
According to general principles, one’s premenopause
and menopause can be similar to their mother except that they are affected by
outside impacts like smoking, drinking alcohol and immoderate eating….
You can take information from your mother’s
premenopause and menopause and apply it on your situation like whether your
menopause symptoms will be hard or whether you will have hot flashes, moody
Besides, elements like weight, eating
methods, exercises and stresses… can also affect you premenopause and
2. The risk of breast cancers

you mother have breast cancer, you are twice as high risk as people who don’t.
It’s not naturally that every time you see
doctors for breast check, they ask you about whether there’re breast cancer
patients in your family. In fact, 5-10% of breast cancer cases are genetic; if
you mother have breast cancer, you are twice as high risk as people who don’t.
Still, about genetic factors, breast cancer
genes like BRCA1 or BRCA2 can increase the risk of breast cancer up to 60%.
A part from the genetic factors, environ
effects like contacting with chemicals and habits of drinking alcohol, smoking…
can also increase the risk of breast cancer.
By looking into your mother history of
breast cancer, you’ll know whether you’ll have the risk of breast cancer or
not. If you do, you’ll know how high the risk will be…. According to that, you
can have timely checkups and preventions.
3. The risk of osteoporosis

structures are much affected by genetic factors have considerable correlations
about the size, thickness and density.
If your mother is diagnosed to have
osteoporosis, bone break or simply just thin bones, small bones…, you should
take more care of your bone health. Bone structures are much affected by
genetic factors have considerable correlations about the size, thickness and
Your mother’s level of osteoporosis can
show you your bone’s size, density and your risk of osteoporosis. But you also
have to protect your bones from environment elements, lifestyles and diseases
you have.
Moreover, drinking lots of alcohol, smoking
much of tobacco, innutritious diets… can weaken your bones. To have strong
bones, you should have regular exercises, maintain balance weight and provide
yourself with calcium, magnesium and vitamin….
4. Arthritis

arthritis is a self-immune disease and has strong hereditary effects.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a self-immune
disease and has strong hereditary effects. If your mother has arthritis, your
risk of the disease is 50% higher than usual. Arthritis is the most popular
inflammation. In joints, protecting cartilages often have degenerations,
because they often have frictions when they move.
You should also know about the fact that
except genetic facts, there’re other elements that can play parts in increasing
the risk of arthritis, such as overweight (the excess weight will put more
pressure on joints), injuries, stress, smoking, eating red meat, absorbing a
great deal of caffeine….
When knowing your risk of arthritis, you
should have protections as soon as possible.