Many people believe that obesity is caused
by eating too much nosh but the main reason is dehydration.

is the reason for obesity.
Nowadays, a body carrying a lot of diseases
is caused by dehydration which slows down metabolism and other internal
activities. Thus, it is recommended to drink 2-3 litters of water per day. Sadly,
many people believe other drinks can replace pure water but our brains just
consider them as fast-food. Besides, most people can’t realize dehydration
because they don’t feel thirsty.

How can you know whether your body has
dehydration? Dry mouth is the first symptom; urine’s color comes second, which is
very important. If the color is light yellow or mostly colorless, it’s normal. If
it turns yellow, your body may lack water. Plus, once urine’s color gets orange,
it’s serious dehydration. Due to lack of water, metabolism runs extremely
slowly, which leads to aging and diseases.

your body with water daily for a healthy life
Water is regarded as the body’s main
energy, like other food. Water is necessary for the brain because it occupies 85%
of the brain’s density. Without water, brain’s operation mostly depends on glucose
provided from blood. After that, glucose will turn into sugar and extra-sugar forms
fat. Finally, the accumulation of fat results in obesity.