Shatter Your PB With Performance-Boosting Tips
Did you know?
Nitrate, a compound found in spinach,
boosts the production of two key proteins responsible for muscle strength.

a compound found in spinach
Take five
Listen to your body! If you’re feeling
under the weather or if your body is sore and ready for a rest, take a recovery
day. Only you know if those aches and pains are form a good run or the sign you
need to rest.

to your body!
If I’m exercising, I can eat whatever I
Exercising regularly doesn’t give you a
free pass to pig out. Sure, it’s fine to indulge every now and then, but eating
junk all the time will hinder your workouts and your health, no matter how much
you run! Remember, it’s about being healthy on the inside, too.
Diary date
Mims on the run 5K
This event harnesses the mighty power of
mums to raise money for sick babies. Join the run ar Waddesdon Manor in
Buckinghamshire on 16 September.

set, run!
Will Pilates help me run better?
Pilates involves strengthening and
stretching exercise designed to develop the body’s core muscles, mobilize the
spine and build functional flexibility. It’s a great form of exercise to do
alongside aerobic exercise such as running, and the two complement each other
Change it up
I run regularly, but I’ve recently suffered
a few little injuries. I’m finding it really frustrating because whenever I try
to return to running after time off, I seem to get another injury. I feel like
I’m losing fitness and motivation!
Injuries can be tough on the body and mind.
It’s important not to come back to running too soon, as you won’t have
recovered sufficiently. But, being injured doesn’t mean you have to sit and do
nothing. It’s the perfect opportunity to strengthen and improve any muscle
imbalances. Try other exercises such as cycling or aqua jogging, and use the
time to improve on other areas of fitness so when you get back to running
you’ll be stronger and faster!