Fat is the important constructing component
of all cells and tissues of body. Fat in food is necessary for the digestion
and absorption of the group of vitamin dissolving in fat such as vitamin A, D,
E, K, carotene.
Some especial lipids are necessary for the
digestive process and absorption the nutrients in bowel. They attend the
components of some kinds of hormone steroid that are very necessary for the
normal activities of endocrine system and genital organs.
Fat is also the substance that gives energy
with the highest level in transforming process. While 1 gram of protein or
sugar only gives 4 calories, fat gives 9 calories.
The group of fat has many different kinds.
According to nutritious experts, fat is divided into 2 groups: healthy fat and
harmful fat.
If body doesn’t have enough fat, body will
catch some diseases such as reducing stored adipose tissue, eczema in skin, the
disorder about absorption of vitamins that can dissolve in fat. As a result, it
will indirectly cause the shortage of these vitamins. When children lack lipid,
especially necessary unsaturated fatty acids, their height and weight can
develop slowly. On the contrary, the diet with too much lipid can lead to
overweight state, obesity, heart and some cancers large intestine, breast,
uterus, and prostate.
With the healthy and scientific habit of
eating and drinking, you can control your weight and you don’t have to spend
too much time to go on a diet or practice hard. The following suggestions of
experts about diet will reduce fat that accumulates in body too much and as a
result, it will lead to obesity.
Control the amount of grain
Rough grain contains a big amount of fiber
that is good for body. However, if body charges fiber too much, it will be
harmful. Grain has the close relation with obesity and high blood pressure
because it contains a lot of starch that can make the transporting process of
food to stomach and bowel slow.
Eat less sugar
The excessive amount of sugar of sugar can
change to fat. You shouldn’t replace meals with the kinds of fruit because they
contain a lot of monosaccharide that can easily change to fat.
Eat kinds of seed regularly

kinds of seed is better than eating foods containing fat less.
Many people have incorrect conceptions
about eating kinds of seed. They think that the kinds of seed contain a lot of
fat. In reality, eating kinds of seed is better than eating foods containing
fat less (such as yoghurt). Moreover, kinds of seed contain the plentiful content
of protein, unsaturated fatty acid and linoleic acid, there is the domination
of the absorption of fat.
Eat lean meat
Meat molecule can exist in stomach in a
longer time and so people won’t feel hungry. Protein in meat can improve the
process of burning fat. Therefore, it will lose weight effectively.

in meat can improve the process of burning fat.
Eat vegetable oil
In modern life, people must face to many
risks that cause diseases. With the conception that eating a lot of fat will
lead to fatty liver, obesity, atherosclerosis. Therefore, oil becomes the main
material to process fried dishes. In reality, using oil is better using fat and
this thing is only correct, it isn’t completely sufficient. It also depends on
When you use oil, you need to use it
correctly to be useful for health Unsaturated fatty acids are easily decomposed
in the high temperature. Therefore, you shouldn’t use oil that is used many
times because it isn’t good for health and it can cause cancer. The best way is
that you should practice the habit of measuring the amount of oil before
cooking because when you pour oil from the bottle without defining the amount
of oil, you can pure a lot of oil without controlling.
Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits
Among the foods containing protein, only
vegetables and fruits have the alkali feature. To limit the accumulation of fat
in body, you should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

limit the accumulation of fat in body, you should eat a lot of vegetables and
Change the habit of eating and drinking
Fried foods contain more calories.
Therefore, you should use the ways such as steaming, boiling, simmering and
cooking dishes.
Use suitable oil
Oil plays an important role in keeping a
healthy body and helping absorb liposoluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin
D, vitamin E, vitamin K.
Eat slowly
According to science, eating too fast is
also the reason of obesity. When food moves to body, the amount of sugar in
blood will be increased. If you eat too fast, it will lead to the state that
you will eat a lot of foods when you feel full.