Diet is foundation of human health.
Therefore, how is a diet that can help your body become balanced and healthy
and prevent a series of problems affecting aging of human body?
We know that oxygen plays an important part
in people’s existence. However, at the same time, oxygen will interact with
other elements and then they will do some chemical reactions and it will make
these elements oxidize. However, oxidization will create a large amount of free
is foundation of human health.
Free roots are molecules or splinters of
molecules that have simple charge in outside orbit. Because of the presence of
this charge, free roots have a special attribute – that is high ability of
oxidization. Free root (oxidant) is always born in people’s body and it also
has positive role to body.
The important thing is that in healthy
body, free roots are produced with a limitation and they aren’t redundant to be
harmful because besides free roots, there is always system of oxidants that can
balance again and neutralize harmful free roots. When free roots are produced a
lot and system of endogenous oxidants doesn’t have enough strength to balance,
body can lead to disorder of pathology.
In daily life, a series of reason can
stimulates all of free roots such as all kinds of pollution, smoking cigarette,
fried or roasted foods as well as ultraviolet ray of sun… People have a lot of
diseases that have relation to this thing such as cancer, heart disease, early
aging. Free roots will improve aging process of body and destroy DNA in nucleus
of cell and lead to diseases by destroying healthy cells.
Green vegetables and fruits play important
part in providing oxidants for body of people. Nutrients in vegetables and
fruits that have effect in preventing oxidization including vitamin A, vitamin
C, vitamin E and some micronutrients such as Selen and zinc….
The above components are mainly contained
in the following foods:
Yellow fruits like orange, kinds of vegetable such
as carrot and pumpkin, fish contain a lot of vitamin A.
is rich of vitamin A.
Fruits, kinds of green vegetable such as
broccoli, cauliflower…, berries such as strawberry, blueberry, raspberry as
well as potato and sweet potato... contain a lot of vitamin C.
Broccoli and cauliflower are rich of vitamin C.
Nuts, kind of grain, butter, vegetable oil, fish
oil…contains a lot of vitamin E.
Brazil nuts, tuna, cabbage, contain a lot of
Pumpkin, sunflower, fish and almond contain a
lot of zinc…
In daily meals, you can eat more
with the above foods in portion to increase the amount of oxidants in your
body. Therefore, you yourselves can protect your body from harmful effects of
free roots and it can make you become younger a lot.