This exclusive diet answering every
workday scenario is the eating equivalent of a WorkSafe check. Tip: pin it on
your partition.
Between the 'back to back meeting day servo
muffin', the B 'client lunch day third course' and the 'colleague's birthday
sponge', it's a minor miracle that we working women aren't hauling as many
spare types as a road train. But there's something even more sinister than a muffin
top in office eating. Munching al desko, working shifts and self-medicating
stress with the entire box of charity lollies can seriously undermine the power
of your noggin. But while it might be tempting to blame circumstance (okay,
your boss) - a quarter of Aussies say their bosses derail their healthy eating
intentions, according to the 2012 AIA Healthy Living Index Monitor it is
reasonably easy to eat for a healthy body and mind, and work your butt off.
Reality check: between Monday and Friday you get to choose around 35 meals and
snacks. Even if there are a few curve balls, them 's pretty good odds. Dr. Libby
Weaver, author of Accidently Overweight and USANA Health Sciences' global
health educator, says that employees often overlook their power. "The reality
is, there are 35 eating occasions in a week three main meals and two snacks per
day. Even with a pushy boss who insists you join the team for lunch and dinner
every day of the week, you still have the opportunity to make nourishing food
choices for 23 of those eating occasions," she says.

reality is, there are 35 eating occasions in a week three main meals and two
snacks per day
Of course it's not that simple. The
principles that apply to overeating generally, translate to the workplace. And
let's face it, a pressure-cooker environment can almost mandate fat and sugar.
And, honest moment: the stress won't go away. So if you are serious about
changing your workday diet (and discovering how well your brain can really
work), Dr. Weaver suggests an honest talk to your colleagues and employers, so
that "they can assist you with your health and wellness goals". Rock
up to the tearoom with these food answers to every workday type and we promise
you won't be the one inhaling reheated office Caff Carbonara.
The day with back to back meetings and no
time for a proper lunch.
Foods containing fast-acting sugar will drop you Ideally, try to eat
something light also plan to have something faster than a Kardashian's husband.
Nutritionist and IsoWhey Ambassador Zoe
Bingley- Pullin suggests that the most important thing for you is to keep your
blood sugar stable throughout the day. "This is really important to
maintain your focus through a long day of complex understanding," she
says. Your secondary goal, Bingley-Pullin says, is making sure you get enough
nutrients when you do eat, so you'll need to snack every three hours and
include nuts, seeds, dried or even fresh fruit. This will provide protein as
well as a small amount of carbohydrates to sustain blood sugar levels
throughout the day." Nutritionist Dr. Rebecca H. advises an early start on
mornings you will be flat chat. "Get up earlier and have a hearty
breakfast with healthy protein, low GI fruit/ vegies and good fats," she
says. This will generate the feeling of fullness for longer and help to
regulate your blood sugar throughout the day.

is really important to maintain your focus through a long day of complex
understanding," she says
Although foods that contain high amounts of
fast-acting sugar may give you a pep-up, over a long day, they can drop your
blood sugar and do more harm than good. It's advisable to remain hydrated
throughout the meetings. Dry air from air-conditioning, and even just talking
for long periods, can dehydrate you, so make sure you have a jug of water handy
to sip throughout your meetings.
The day with a three-course, boozy client
Beware: The
vino. Not only does booze put the brakes on torching your meal, being trolleyed
doesn't scream 'promotion'.

will add unnecessary calories to your daily consumption".
The best advice for these situations is to
avoid excess consumption of alcohol; when you're trying to impress a client,
nothing looks worse than slurring over your lunch and tripping over your napkin
when you make a less than graceful exit from the table. Try alternating one
glass of wine with one glass of soda/tap water, while trying to consume more
soda or tap water than wine. Alternatively, if the situation calls for alcohol
consumption, try vodka, lime and soda or vodka and tonic; this will allow you
to avoid unnecessary sugary mixer drinks and additional calories. Three course
meals in themselves can be a killer to any low calorie diet plan.
Bingley-Pullin recommends avoiding the complimentary table breads as
"these will add unnecessary calories to your daily consumption". Also
try to avoid the deep fried options and choose those that are baked or grilled.
Avoid the big pasta/rice meals, if possible, and try to choose a high protein
option where possible. This can include baked fish, grilled chicken, grilled
beef or steak or a seafood option that isn't fried. Also, a vegetarian option
may be lower in calories. "Lastly, although the dessert menu looks great,
its best to avoid them, ask for a low fat flat white or cappuccino if you would
like to remain sociable."