Pregnant women who are obese or increase too
much weight can have much chance of gestational hypertension and diabetes.
According to the latest research, there’re
over 30% women who are overweight in pregnancy. Women who are overweight before
pregnancy or increase too much weight during pregnancy, their health can be
seriously affected. Obesity can increase the risk of gestational hypertension
and diabetes which can lead to pre-eclampsia. The risk of miscarriage,
stillbirth or premature birth can increase due to gestational obesity or

who are overweight before pregnancy or increase too much weight during
pregnancy, their health can be seriously affected.
Pregnant women who are overweight can have
children that have birth defects, and have difficulties in taking ultrasound
tests and diagnosis. In few days before the due day, pregnant women can have
the risk of blood clots, gestational hypertension, diabetes and anesthesia
difficulties increased. The research showed that fat pregnant women have the
same problem about breastfeeding. On other hand, losing weight after pregnancy
is nearly unsolvable.
Some experiments on mouse also showed that
mice that were born by the overweight ones have their brain structure changed
and permanent conveyed, which causes the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
hypertension and diabetes.
Mr. Melinda Johnson – a nutrition expert
from the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy,
said that we were making a young and obese generation; when they’re grown up
and have babies, the genetic issue will severely change.

you are going to get pregnant, find a sensible diet that help you not increase
to much weight in pregnancy.
The sensible weight gain during pregnancy
When pregnant, women’s bodies have many
changes. In the time of morning sickness, their needs of energy and nutrients
increase as well as the absorption in the bowel. There’re also simple metabolic
change and hormone changes. All of the changes lead to appetite loss: women
find no interest in eating 1 food or more, nausea, vomit, heartburn and
constipation. Those changes at some level, affects pregnant women’s weight gain
or loss.
However, when the morning sickness is gone,
many pregnant women start eating more as if they are making up to the lost
meals; they eat without the control, which leads to over-controlled weight
gain. It can lead to many unexpected problem to the health of pregnant women
and fetuses, such as: the state of overweight of women after pregnancy, the
long labor which dues to big fetuses, birth difficulties because of big
children’s shoulders, caesarean, injury or asphyxia at birth… To prevent the
situation, scientists recommended pregnant women to have sensible weight gain
according to BMI (the body index) of the women before pregnancy. Particularly,
it means that the weight gain that’s enough for pregnancy is about 10-12kg.
Therein, in the 3 first months, there should be no or just 1kg increase of
weight. In the 3 middle months of pregnancy, it’s necessary for women to gain
4-5kg. In the 3 last months, pregnant women should increase 5-6kg. In the 6
last months, pregnant women should have no or 1kg weight increase each month.
The followings are recommendation about
sensible diets.
Reduce junk foods

foods contain lots of sugar and fat which make your weight increase fast while
bring not so many calories for the body.
Junk foods contain lots of sugar and fat
which make your weight increase fast while bring not so many calories for the
Fast weight increasing can make pregnant
women have more chances of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, back pain and
shortness of breath. For that reason, pregnant women should avoid eating sugary
and greasy foods. Cut down on junk foods, such as cake and soft drinks.
Eat small portions and have more light meals
Morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion
can make you main meals become boring and the situation will get worse as soon
as fetuses get bigger. Therefore, you should have 5-6 light meals with sensible
portions instead of having only 3 main meals.
The light meals will help you receive the
required amount of calorie and nutrients but still provide you with the usual
energy and stable sugar blood level. That kind of eating helps pregnant women
reduce the effects of morning sickness.

pregnant, women shouldn’t have a thought of eating for 2.
There’re many researches that were carried,
showed that when we eat with someone, you tend to eat more than 750 calories in
comparison to eating alone. This is why you should eat the foods that you love
in the day and eat slowly and carefully during the meal. The fact you eat with
others will restrain you from eating more and help you recognize the good
flavor of the foods.
Eat healthy breakfast
Many people think that skipping meals will
reduce weight gain. However, the thought is completely wrong. Skipping will
only make you want to eat more in the later meal. Moreover, after 6-8 hours
sleeping, you and your fetuses need to be provided with energy in the early
time of the day. Energy deficiency and ravenous hunger caused by skipping meals
can make you feel tired and moody in the morning.
Don’t eat the portion of two
People often encourage pregnant women to
eat more, eat the portion for two but, you’re the one who know the amount of
food that is good for yourself and your fetus. Accordingly, don’t be affected
by people’s encouragements and try to eat more because in the long run, the
excess amount of food that you ate will make your weight increased
Don’t forget to drink enough water

water is not only important to the body, fetuses, but can help you prevent
hunger and appetite.
Lacking water sometimes make you feel
hungry. If you follow your diet but still feel hungry, drink more water. The
water is not only important to the body, fetuses, but can help you prevent
hunger and appetite.
Do exercise regularly
If you are tired or have light morning
sickness, it’ll be difficult to do exercise, though; it’s very good for
pregnant women. Doing exercise regularly can help increase the energy, improve
the breathing and self-endurance. Besides, regular exercise can prevent
pregnant women from extreme fast weight gain.
According to researches, doing exercise
help pregnant women sleep sound and fast get back on shape. However, at this
time, you shouldn’t work on exercises that are too hard but focus on gentle
ones like yoga, walking or swimming.