Your father-in-law is a very important person in your life
but you do not really know him. Husbands and wives might have different ideas
about creating a good relationship with their father-in-law, and choosing a
present for him might be a big challenge for both of you. Knowing your
father-in-law is a key to choose a suitable gift.

Knowing your father-in-law is a key to choose a
suitable gift
Connecting experiences

A present does not
need to be wrapped in a box.
A present does not need to be wrapped in a box. To help your
family getting closer, you should try some connecting experience like a gift.
Find tickets of a sport game which is coming or a concert which he is
interested in. Find out about his hobbies in outdoor activities like long
walking or biking or not, then make a suggest spending all day with him in a
beautiful area where you two can get to know each other. Pay for a golf at his
favorite yard or hire a tennis court in advance at his favorite tennis club.

Spend time to talk
with him about movies and his favorite TV shows
Know more about your father-in-law is another way to do a
research about gift. Spend time talking with him about movies and his favorite
TV shows. You can even ask him to show you his DVD collection to know more
about what he owns. Any DVD he has not had might be a great gift. He is not
only love the present but also appreciate how you spend time getting to know
Pocket watch

A pocket watch can
be a nice gift
A pocket watch can be a decoration or usually used stuff.
Whether your father-in-law already has a watch, you still can give him a pocket
watch as a souvenir (keepsake). He might decide to use your pocket watch
instead of his hand watch. Grave the date you gave him the watch to remind him
of you, and a picture of you and your husband on the watch is nice too.

Find out about his
favorite bands or singers
If your father-in-law has his favorite kind of music, you
can use it like an idea for gift which could be highly appreciated. Find out
about his favorite bands or singers; buy CDs as a gift. If any his favorite
singers come down town for a tour, you can buy tickets as gifts. Let him decide
who he wants to go with, and do not be surprised he chooses you.