
This person spends more time with you in the hospital than the doctors. Listen what she has got to say.

Her job description is quite clear: she is a nurse who has registered to take care of mother and newborn during birth pangs, delivery and recovery. Besides keeping track on mother’s womb contractions and fetus’ heart rates, she cleans up all messy things; adjust habits, characteristics and family disasters; manage fathers and pamper babies; translate the medical language and plays a role as a cheer leader, a drill sergeant and a best friend. Your nurse hears and sees everything and knows many things; these are things she wants you to know.

Description: This person spends more time with you in the hospital than the doctors. Listen what she has got to say.

This person spends more time with you in the hospital than the doctors. Listen what she has got to say.

Out of your bed

Going around and changing your postures regularly will help to ease your pain, help the baby to reverse position and increases labor inducing. So, spend less time on bed and go for a walk instead, then squat, sit on a ball, use see-saw or Jacuzzi. Backache? Try this labor dance: go to the bed, lean against it with the elbow, and wag your butt; or hug your partner and swing.

Try to be flexible

Giving birth is not predictable, and the flexibility makes it smoother (not to mention feeding babies). Tell me, and the doctor, or the midwife what you want in advance – we will try to supply. However, we can’t make sure everything in your wish list for your delivery plan. (This is a secret: the longer the plan is, the more interference it gets). The delivery is very difficult. And some children need more help to get out of your stomach. It is not a picnic to you, either, and sometimes the plan is thrown out of the window when the birth pangs become so heavy for you. So we won’t follow your plan, for example: “I won’t anesthetize the dura”.

Check your modesty (and haughtiness) at the door.

You can’t make us shocked (or to your doctor and midwife). We see all. You are not the first woman who gets the birth pang and the unshaved legs, unwashed hair and unshaved private part for years, if you have. We don’t care if there is much hair or not, what color it is. If you have time, please prepare comfortably. Shave your legs and take care of your nails. The sharp things on your body – please remove it. Don’t worry about taking your poop, shouting and losing control. It means, the pain is not the reason for illiberality.   

Tell us if you are scared

Survey shows that the 4 biggest fears of pregnant women are pain, injection needle, ragged or slashed vagina and Cesarian necessity. Tell me what you are scared of, and maybe we can help. The pain-killer doesn’t work? We will recommend some other ways. If you are unconscious by IV, blood-taking and dura anesthetizing, tell the nurses and they will work with you to ease your fear and pain with warm towels, general anesthetics and TLC. A warm gauze applying to pelvis and massage it with some mineral oil will help you to avoid ragged vagina. Most midwives, and in some areas in the USA, nurses will do this. And if you know that you need a Cesarian method – we ensure that it will be very quick and it is mostly easy and less painful than you think. 

Understand that birth pangs last long

Your birth pangs will be a sprinting or a marathon? Yes, we have many experiences, but we don’t have the crystal ball. We can estimate how long it lasts by using a lot of variables (natural delivery or labor inducing, first delivery or many times before) and know when a doctor should be sent for. (This is another secret: the more people around you, the longer it lasts. You are sure to move less when you have some guests). The time choosing is so important when considering interfering and managing the pain such as dura anesthetizing, but delivery is a journey, not a race.

Description: Walking around can reduce birth pangs and help you to avoid Cesarian method.

Walking around can reduce birth pangs and help you to avoid Cesarian method .

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