Here are a few of the things that inspired
me to succeed
All for a good cause
My aunt was diagnosed with bowel cancer,
and I wanted to do something to help as were very close. I decided to run a I
OK race to raise funds for Cancer k Research UK. It felt great to give
something back and. as an added bonus, it k really encouraged me to go out for
a run every day.
Pasta pointers
I come from an Italian family so pasta is a
big thing in our household! When I decided to lose weight, I knew that I could
never give up my favourite food but, thanks to Weight Watchers, I've found a
few sneaky tricks to help me keep it on the menu.
A lunchtime stape, the night before work,
I'll make a pasta salad with tuna, using plenty of vegetables to bulk it out so
that it’s low in ProPoints values. Say no to jars I make all my
own sauces from scratch so that I know exactly what is in them. Starting with a
base of zero ProPoints value chopped tomatoes means that they are always
tasty and healthy,
Know your weights My Leader once asked us
all if we could weigh out a healthy portion of pasta and no one got it right!
It taught me the importance of portion size.
I love Chocolate
I pride myself on eating healthily all week
and I've even swapped my Friday night takeaway for a weight Watchers ready
meal. But if I’m happy with my weight after my Saturday morning meeting I'll
treat myself to a chocolate bar or a Chinese takeaway in the evening. Yummy!
Top tools
My advice to anyone starting out would be
to buy the Weight Watchers Pro Points plan Kitchen Scales. I never cook a meal
without them now. Weighing out my portions helps me to feel just right after a
meal, instead of totally stuffed!
Career confidence
I started my new job, as a sales assistant
for my dad’s marble company, around the same time I first became a Weight
Watchers member. Since reaching goal, I have noticed that my confidence at work
has really grown. I approach new companies to win business, which is something
I would have fretted over before.