If you want to be healthy, you should
learn how to take care of yourself.
You should know following secrets about
taking care of health.
1. Take a bath with warm water 2 hours before going to bed
Sleep will take place when temperature of
body is lower than normal. Bating with hot water will make temperature of body
increase, it also delays brains to secrete hormone that causes sleepy feeling.
Therefore, you should take a bath with warm water about 2 hours before going to
bed so that it won’t affect quality of sleep.
2. Do exercise outside
Gymnasium is a place that contains a lot of
harmful bacteria and microbiology on handle of equipment, on floor. You should
only avoid them when you wash your hands regularly, change socks every day,
make equipment clean before and after doing exercise, wear slippers in
gymnasium. When you do exercise outside, you can avoid those inconveniences.
You should remember that air indoor is more polluted than outside with 2-5

exercise outside is better than in gymnasium.
3. Drink enough water
It doesn’t sure that drinking as much as
water is good. Your body is a balanced system, kidneys can only eliminate
800-1000ml water/hour. In one hour, if you drink water over 1000ml, it will
cause symptoms of reducing sodium in blood.
4. Do not drink coffee and smoke cigarette when tired
When your body is tired, you shouldn’t
drink coffee and smoke cigarette to help your body be of sound mind. Otherwise,
it will cause damages that we cannot save system of blood-vessel; Palpitation
and worry are serious symptoms. Especially, drinking coffee and smoking
cigarette when you feel tired not only causes double damage for body, but taste
and unique component of coffee also make you crave for cigarette more.
5. When taking medicine, give up wine
When you are taking medicine, you must give
up cigarette, even when you only take medicine to cure flu and vitamins. Wine
not only affects medicine’s effect but also causes some side effects that can
react with medicine to create toxin.

must give up cigarette, even when you only take medicine to cure flu and
6. Use warm water to wash face
You should use warm water to wash face, you
shouldn’t use cold water because cold water will make stimulated pores will
reduce immediately. As a result, bacteria cannot be pushed out on time and it
will cause acne. You shouldn‘t use too hot water to your wash face because skin
of face will expand quickly, so it will create wrinkles early.
7. Add enough calcium
The consequence of lacking calcium causes
cramp, forgetfulness, dreaming, and losing sleep is a side effect of lacking
calcium. Lacking in calcium will affect normal metabolism of nerve cells. The
best foods that provide brain with calcium are soya and soya cake…, but effect
of soya milk isn’t good completely because it contains a small quantity of
lactose that can affect role of calcium in brain.

best foods that provide brain with calcium are soya and soya cake…
8. Keep mood happy
Bad mood is source of transmitting diseases
that is more fearful than healthy viruses. 80% of diseases are caused shake of
perturb of nerve, especially diseases about digestive system and skin. You can
meet some symptoms such as eating too much because of bad mood, diarrhea,
allergic skin.
9. Don’t give up fat in food
First of all, fat in food doesn’t transform
into fat in your body. Secondly, fat in food is extremely important to normal
physiological activities of body because you need 25%-35% energy from fat.
Finally, providing enough fat, on the contrary, can create full feeling and
prevent you from eating too much.
10. Don’t
put cellphone on your bed
Cellphone is known as “thing that disturbs
sleep” if you put it next to your bed. The reason is when you sleep, cellphone’s
radiations will affect your nerve and it will make you become more stressed. As
a result, it’s difficult for you to take relaxed state to sleep. So, it will
take you a lot of time to go to sleep.