Must-do mantras to make
2012 your most satisfying year yet
will... Ditch my body hang-ups
'Women who have the best
sex don't care what they look like,' says Dr Laura Berman, author of Loving Sex
(DK, $27). If your body image Is cramping your sex style, here's what to do:
Sign Up For A Challenge Take up dancing, join a
theatre group - anything that helps you express yourself boosts yourself
confidence.' says Dr Berman,
Sweat Yourself Sexy Exercise primes your body
for sexual arousal, says a US study. So take advantage of New Year gym offers -
and schedule sexy time 15 to 30 minutes after your workout, when you're at your

will... Learn the language of love
Talking frankly to your
partner is vital for a good sex life, but many of us find it difficult,' says
sex psychologist Dr Petra Boynton, Here's what to try:
Time It Right Don't broach sex issues
out of the blue,' says Dr Berman. 'Instead, talk about things over a drink or a
walk, so you both have the time and space to get your thoughts across.'
Show, Don't Tell Lead him to the bedroom
and show him the way you'd like sex to be, 'If you want more foreplay, murmur
where he should stroke, lick or suck your body so he knows what you want,’ says
Dr Berman.
Did you know…
Duvet diving boost immunity, burns fat, stabilizes hormones, and can even
make you look younger. Woo hoo!
will… Reject the rut
Move on from missionary.
'New positions, techniques and sensations enhance intimacy,' says Or Berman,
Try these:
Reinvent Yourself People have the best sex
after fancy dress parties,' says Tracey Cox, author of The Sex Doctor (Corgi,
$12.75). ‘You take on a different persona dressed up.' Her tip? Wear a mask. If
your face is hidden, you're more likely to be risqué.'
Get Yourself A Toy 'Research shows people who
use sex toys are happier with their love lives,' says Dr Berman. Test the water
with a Durex Play intimate massager, from £16 (they're available at supermarkets,
so slip one discreetly into your weekly shop).
will… Embrace the quickie
Research in the Journal
Sexual Medicine shows It takes men just 665 seconds to reach peak arousal
when shown sexually explicit images, with women 78 seconds behind, so, you do
have time!
Tease To Please 'Stop thinking of sex as a
build up to an orgasm for one or both of you,' says Tracey. 'Sometimes a few
seconds of teasing can be more exciting than intercourse.'
Race The Clock Regularly instigate sex
when you're pushed for time, so you make the quickie a fun habit. 'You're
better off having sex for five or ten minutes a couple of times a fortnight
than a marathon sex session once a month,' says Tracey.