The first couple of weeks on the Pro Points
plan were quite hard for me as my biggest challenge was reducing my portion
It made me realise just how much I'd been
overeating, even with healthy meals, which had been a huge factor in my weight
gain. But I loved that following the Pro Points plan meant eating regular,
tasty meals while still losing weight.

made me realise just how much I'd been overeating, even with healthy meals,
which had been a huge factor in my weight gain
I also started going to the gym every
morning before work. It was hard to drag myself out of the house at times, but
once I was there it was worth it. The one week that 1 dccidcd not to go my
weight stayed exactly the same, so I knew that getting regular exercise was
instrumental to my weight loss.
Following the ProPoints plan online meant
that I had to be very determined and truthful with myself. I made sure that I
weighed myself once a week at the exact same time, and I made use of all the
tools that were available to me. I followed all the weekly advice on the Weight
Watchers website and 1 also downloaded the Weight Watchers iPhone app.

followed all the weekly advice on the Weight Watchers website and 1 also
downloaded the Weight Watchers iPhone app.
There were about three times during my
weight loss journey that I didn't lose weight. It was frustrating, and often
I’d react by having a big dinner or eating too much chocolate to cheer myself
up. But I knew that this wasn't the way forward and I would always turn back to
the online tools or the magazine for tips and advice.
The fact that my clothes kept getting
looser every week was also great motivation. And. as the number on the scales
I noticed that I was picking out brighter
clothes in the shops and wearing my trusty leggings and cardigans a lot less.

noticed that I was picking out brighter clothes in the shops and wearing my
trusty leggings and cardigans a lot less.
My old confidence was returning, and I
began to feel far more comfortable about dating. When I was about 7lb away from
my goal weight, I got together with my current boyfriend. Jay. We’d known each
other for years, but when we got chatting properly we discovered that there was
a real spark between us.
The last 7lb can be the hardest to shift
but, as jay is a semi-professional footballer and eats very healthily, meeting
him really helped me to get to goal. I reached 9st just eight months after
joining Weight Watchers.
I was so happy with myself. My family and
friends were all proud of me and. to celebrate, I treated myself to a massive
shopping spree, snapping up lots of skinny jeans and small dresses.

reached 9st just eight months after joining Weight Watchers.
Since reaching goal, it's been brilliant
being back at my best again. Choosing an outfit for a night out is no longer a
daunting task. When I was bigger. I would meticulously plan what I was going to
wear in my head, but now I just reach into my wardrobe, pull out a
figure-hugging dress and a pair of heels and I'm done!
My new figure has also made such a
difference to my enjoyment of holidays. I’ve been away a couple of times since
reaching my goal weight, and the only thing I've had to worry about is how I'm
going to fit all my new clothes in my suitcase. Holidays now are so much better
than the dreaded trip to Malia that made me sign up in the first place.
It's especially nice knowing that I can
indulge every now and again, and if the scales tip in the wrong direction I
will always have Weight Watchers to fall back on. On my last holiday, to New
York. I drank and ate a little too much and put on weight. On my return. I
decided to join my local Weight Watchers meeting, not only to lose my holiday
weight but also to help me keep it off.
Through my meeting. I heard about the new
Weight Watchers ad campaign, and a couple of my friends persuaded me to go
along to an audition. They nagged me so much that in the end I only went to
shut them up! I never really expected to get through to the next stage, but 1
was delighted when I was picked. I feature in the TV ad campaign, walking down
the street with Alesha Dixon, as well as in the magazine and online adverts.
The four days I spent in London shooting
the ad were incredible. I stayed in a hotel with the other girls and I really
enjoyed meeting other Weight Watchers members of my own age. We formed a close
bond and I still keep in touch with them all.
When the adverts first appeared on
television, I was shocked to see myself - it almost didn't feel real. I'd
sometimes even forget about it until someone would come up and ask, ‘Did I just
see you on TV?’ and it would bring it all back!
I would never have had the confidence to do
the advert before losing weight. Back then, I would have found it difficult
walking into a nightclub surrounded by my slim friends, so appearing on
national television would have been completely unthinkable! When I was
overweight, I spent so much time worrying about what others thought of me, but
since reaching goal I’m free of that.
And those nights out in Leigh-on-Sea? Now I
feel just as glam and gorgeous as the rest of them!