Wash your hands
The simple act of washing your hands
frequently – especially if you are around people or interacting with people –
can go a long way in decreasing your chances of catching any infection.

your hands
Build your immune system
Keep as healthy as you can by eating well
and exercising regularly. A strong immune system is the biggest advantage in
warding off flu. Tissue salts to boost the immune system are Organo Number 1,
Toxi Loges drops as well as Ferrum phos.
Sunny sunflowers
Sunflower seeds are not only for the birds.
These seeds are packed with nutrients in the form of minerals iron and
magnesium, vitamin E and other essential fats. South Africa has the most
wonderful winter sun.
On a good day take the opportunity to
expose your body to the sunshine. Your skin needs controlled contact with UV
rays to make vitamin D which is necessary for both you and your growing baby.

seeds are not only for the birds.
Blocked nose
A stuffy nose is a complaint of pregnancy
and winter can make this worse. Beware of taking over-the-counter decongestant
tablets. Try Olbas or Eucalyptus oil in a bowl of boiling water. Add a few
drops of oil and inhale the steam. Nasenol or Salix are two decongestant sprays
that are safe to use during pregnancy. This will leave your nasal passages
feeling open and refreshed, and easier to breathe. Nasosinus capsules may also
help, but if not take Nat Mur tissue salt tablets one every three hours while
awake, and this will help normalize distribution of body fluids.
Runny nose
Mucus and sneezing that occurs with a runny
nose can really get you down. Tissue salts number 4 (Ferrum phos) and 7 (Kali
phos) are recommended if the mucus is thick. If caused from an allergic or hay
fever reaction and sneezing is very prominent then Natura’s Hay F will sort
that out quickly.

and sneezing that occurs with a runny nose can really get you down.
Sore throat – a traditional remedy
If your throat feels scratchy and sore,
gargling with salt water can help to fight a throat infection. A mixture of hot
water, lemon and honey can also ease throat irritations. Pharyna drops help
deal with the thick mucus of a post-nasal drip and if tonsils are inflamed try
Tonsilla drops. Ferrum phos also helps and is a great immune system booster.
Soothe your sinuses
Should your sinuses get blocked, try
putting two drops of tea tree oil or marjoram oil on a tissue. Sniff at regular
inter vals. Sinfrontal and Congestivo (both homeopathic remedies) and tissue salts
4 (Ferrum phos), 5 (Kali Mur) and 8 (Mag Phos) will provide symptomatic relief
from sinus.