Many scientific organizations gave the new
researches that prove viewpoint that cancer can be really prevented. Some
following simple methods can intensify the ability of protesting cancer of
1. Do housework
Doing housework can reduce the risk of
breast cancer. Tim Zee professor, epidemiology researcher of Cancer Researching
cancer, Oxford University, British, and his assistants detected that every day
if women spend 6 hours doing housework, walking quickly, taking care of plants,
these things will help them reduce 13% the risk of breast cancer. Activities
about constitution about 2.5 hours/day can reduce 8% of breast cancer.

housework can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
2. Drink wine less
Drinking wine less can prevent gullet
cancer. Research of Lund University, Swedish showed that if men that are over
45 years old drink wine less and don’t even drink wine can reduce 50% the risk
of gullet cancer. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can prevent this kind
of cancer.

wine less can prevent gullet cancer.
3. Eat roasted sausage
Scientists in British showed that eating
processed meat regularly such as ham, sausage will increase the risk of
intestinal neoplasm, especially to men. According to research of World Cancer
Researching Fund every week, you should only eat about 70 grams of processed
meat. If you like to eat roasted meat, the best way is that you should marinate
it about 1 hour before roasting.
4. Limit sweet foods
Sugar is the most favorite food of cancer
cells. A research of Japan showed that when blood flows to tumor, about 57% the
amount of blood sugar will be absorbed by cancer cells and this thing will
create nutrients to nourish it. Magazine of Clinical Nutrition in USA, also
showed that every day when you drink beverage twice, the risk of pancreas
cancer will increase to 90%.
5. Avoid unnecessary radiation
Medical and physical experts of Columbia
University in USA showed that in the last decades, in USA, the rate of people
that catch cancer of radiation from CT scanner will increase 2%. If radiation
affects you in a long time, it is very dangerous for health.
6. Eat garlic
Cancer Researching Center of Ohio
University, in USA, eating garlic can help reduce the risk of cancer that is
implicit in body. However, the high temperature will destroy substance that can
prevent cancer of garlic-allin. Therefore, minced garlic should only be cooked
within 15 minutes.

garlic can help reduce the risk of cancer that is implicit in body.