Some notes that support daily activities
help you have babies soon.
Reduce stress
Stress can slow down or prevent ovulation.
Women who are stressed usually have irregular ovulation. And the effort of
having babies will increase the level of stress and make people fall into the
vicious circle. Some researches show that stress also affects to the level of
testosterone and sperm production, which proves that stress control can
increase the possibilities of getting pregnant.

can slow down or prevent ovulation.
In a research carried out in 97 women, after
the 2-month treatments, they received vitro fertilizations. The result showed
that women who applied stress control methods were 52% of getting pregnant
while others are 20%. There was no obvious evidence but, stress is also the
cause of uterine contraction and other effects on conceptions. Women that
participated in that research were been through 10 weeks practicing relaxation,
joining in group activities and controlling stress… Though exercises are good,
you should also see a doctor to organize a stress control program.
Take care of the diet

and vegetables are rich sources of fiber that help you to be healthy and
increase the chance of conception.
Lacking zinc is considered to be the reason
of the shortage of testosterone a hormone relates to male strength and energy.
It also decreases the number of sperm. For that reasons, you should eat foods
that are rich in zinc, such as lean meat, eggs, seafood and grains that haven’t
been refined.
Calcium and vitamin D can improve the
reproduction abilities of men, too. Therefore, men should drink more milk and
women should create themselves tea-drinking habits. Women who drink more than 1
cup of tea a day can get pregnant 7 times as well as women who don’t.
Besides, fruits and vegetables that are
rich in fibers can help you to be healthy and increase your possibilities of
getting pregnant. You need to be sure that you’re well-provided those kinds of
food, not the greasy and sundry ones.
Adjust the weight

ideal BMIs to have good conceptions are 21-24 to women and 18-24 to men.
If you’re so thin that your body mass index
(BMI) are lower than 19, which means your body don’t have enough fat to run the
normal ovulation. Researchers showed that people who are too skinny has the
conceptions 4 times as slow as other people. On the contrary, if you’re
over-weight and your BMI is more than 25, your hormone production can be
changed, which leads to the increase of male hormones and conception
interference. The ideal BMIs to have good conceptions are 21-24. You also need
to take care of your husband because men who are obese also have the decrease
of sperm and testosterone. The ideal indexes for men are around 18-24.
Don’t forget to exercise

recommended by doctors that you should do gentle exercises 4 hours a week.
It’s recommended by doctors that you should
do gentle exercises 4 hours a week, and try to keep heart’s rate under 140.
Women who do too much exercise can have changes in hormones, stop of
menstruation and ovulation. If men do exercises that are too hard, such as
marathon, long-distance cycling, the number of sperm can be reduced.
Quit smoking
Smoking has the abilities to destroy
ovaries for directly contacting with the poison in tobacco smoke, so does limit
the amount of blood that flow to ovaries. Tobacco smoke also increases the risk
of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. In reality, smokers will go to the
menopause 4 years earlier than other people. Smoking also decreases the level
of testosterone and sperm.
Reduce coffee
The research of the Nevada University
showed that caffeine can reduce the abilities of the muscles of the oviducts
which move eggs from ovaries to the uterus. That leads to the result that
drinking coffee can reduce the chance of conception.

can reduce the abilities of the muscles of the oviducts which move eggs from
ovaries to the uterus.
Seize the opportunities of conception
Usually, women have ovulation 14 days
before having menstruation. If your cycle length is ranged from 24-30 days, you
can expect that the ovulation happens at the 10th to 16th days.
Eggs can live in 12-24 hours. Intercourses
that occur after ovulations are too late. For that reason, they should be done
before ovulations. Sperms can live longer, about 72 hours, so you can do the
intercourse 3 days before the ovulation day and still have conceptions. Hence,
your opportunity will happen in 3 days before the soonest ovulation and
disappear a day after the latest ovulation.
Maintaining good oral hygiene
If you are trying to have babies, you
should see dentist more usually than normal and improve daily dental care.
Doctors have claimed that the poor oral health could delay the conception.