Drinking is good for women who work in
Nowadays, there’re many drink option for
office staff. However, tea is very good for women working in offices. There’re
3 reasons why they should drink tea.

office workers should drink tea.
Protect eyesight
Tea can protect eyesight for female office
workers. Using computer continuously and in a long period of time can be
dangerous for eye’s health as it causes symptoms like eyestrain, vision
decrease… Teas are able to help you deal with those symptoms.
Some female office workers who are
suffering with eye issues like dryness can drink Chamomile tea. Chamomile has
an important role in fostering livers, improving eyesight and eye dryness. At
the same time, Chamomile can nurture the throat and remove fat from the body.

Chamomile tea can protect eyesight.
Remove toxic products and beautify the skin
Drinking tea can help beautify the skin and
remove toxic products from the body. Due to air pollution and computer
radiation, many female office workers always have to deal with pimples and
constipation. Honeysuckle tea can decrease the heat of the body, prevent inflammation
and remove pimples. Lavender tea can prevent pimples and whiten the skin,
better scars, improve the metabolic process and stimulate scar healing. Honey
tea is especially good for intestine relaxation and skin beautifying.

tea can prevent pimples and whiten the skin, better scars, improve the
metabolic process and stimulate scar healing.
Anti-radiation abilities
Tea can prevent office workers from
radiation. It’s necessary for people to reduce the bad effects from computer
radiation as it can cause cancers to human. Teas can help you reduce the
radiation effects. For example: Polyphenol can remove free radicals of oxygen
inside the body and improve the immunity ability of human. At the same time, it
can absorb radioactive materials and discharge them by defecation. It also helps
reduce the effects of the X-ray.

can prevent office workers from radiation.
The 3 reasons above explain the tea
benefits that office workers can get from tea. Tea help people improve the
physical health and skin beauty. For that reason, you can choose some certain
teas that are suit with your taste to drink. However, you shouldn’t drink too
many kinds of tea. According to experts, a person should only drink about 6
cups of tea a day. Drinking too much tea can make the body to be unable to
absorb caffeine, cause difficult digestion and disadvantages to digestion.
Nevertheless, drinking tea in the wrong way can cause bad effects on human
health. You shouldn’t drink tea when hungry or full, especially before bed.
Drinking tea that is too hot or over-night tea is bad, too. Besides, you
shouldn’t drink tea with medicines because it can reduce the drug’s efficiency.