Things are started with a couple of toys misplaced or dirty
clothes on the floor. In the past, you can go to your children’s rooms without
coping with the risk of getting hurt. Some children clean their rooms with
little motivation while others struggle with the mission. Yelling at your
children and making them to pick up the room is not a solution. With
organizational strategies and direct methods, you children will know how to
take care of their stuff so that their room won’t be in a mess.

Things are started
with a couple of toys misplaced or dirty clothes on the floor.
Thing you’ll need
A storage container
Classify stuffs in your child’s room to reduce the chance of
a mess. Eliminate old toys that your children no longer use and clothes that
are too tight, store clothes that are not suitable with the season. Let your
children join hand in cleaning the rooms so that they won’t feel like you’re
throwing everything they love.
Move some stuff to other places in the house if possible.
For example, move children’s shoes to the shoe area. Put most of the toys in
children’s play room. Find a new home for some toys of your children to reduce
the probability of a messy room.

Add more place to
store things in the room.
Add more place to store things in the room, like adding more
shelves or drawers to keep things in neat. Let children take part in organize
things in storage areas. Help children place things that they use usually at
convenient places. For instance, children’s favorite book collections can be placed
on the shelves near their beds if they like to read at night.
Write down a list of things to do in cleaning so that
children could know exactly what they need to do to their room. The list
includes making bed, putting clothes in the hamper, vacuuming the room and pick
up toys. Teach children to refer to the list when cleaning.
Schedule pickup session at night. Spend 10-15 minutes before
bed cleaning room. If children clean a little a day, they won’t have to face
and clean a mess that is out of reach.

Create a reward
chart in case your children need a little motivation to keep their rooms neat.
Create a reward chart in case your children need a little
motivation to keep their rooms neat. Monitor children clean their rooms with
the chart. Link the chart to prizes, for example, adding a charter.
Tip and warning
Keep your room neat to be a model for your children.