Before you intend to be pregnant, you can
consider some following advices
1. Provide folic acid every day
If you got married and you are sure to have
plan about giving birth, the best way is that you should provide folic acid every
day about 1-3 months before being pregnant. This thing is very useful for
mothers and babies to have a healthy pregnancy in the future.
Suitable dose for using is 400mg of folic
acid every day. Most of the synthetic tablets used for people that want to be
pregnant or pregnant women contain this content.
Folic acid is group of vitamin B. Many
kinds of food contain it such as vegetables with dark green leaves, orange,
lemon and kinds of bean. Every day, women should change menu of dishes and can
choose these groups of food. However, drinking additional medicine will ensure
the content of folic acid that needs to provide for body better.

acid is group of vitamin B; orange and lemon contain it a lot.
Folic acid helps prevent inborn defect of
neural tube that can takes place before you are pregnant.
2. Check health completely
Some months before becoming pregnant, women
should go to check total health. If you have condition, you should go to check
total health periodically once every 6 months. However, to women that are going
to be pregnant, checking health periodically will have certain benefits:
You can know about kinds of vaccine that need to
be injected before becoming pregnant. This thing needs to be done about 3
months before pregnant women.
Filling a prescription about providing necessary
vitamins for pregnant women
Detecting unusual signs of disease, especially
reproductive health
Controlling kinds of medicine that you are
using, even with kinds that have contraindication with women pregnant women
Only use medicine due to prescription of
doctors, you shouldn’t use medicine that you yourselves buy.

months before becoming pregnant, women should go to check total health.
3. Check dental medicine
Dentists can help you have a healthy
pregnancy. You should pay attention to health about your teeth and mouth if you
intend to become pregnant. This thing has positive effect for fetuses in the
future as well as health of pregnant women.

should pay attention to health about your teeth and mouth if you intend to
become pregnant.
In pregnancy, pregnant women often have the
risk of catching diseases about gums more. It is also reason that can threaten
pregnant women to begin labor early.
You should spend time checking teeth
periodically. You must brush teeth every day and use floss regularly.
4. Adjust suitable weight
If you are too thin and don’t have enough
weight, you will have difficulty in process of becoming pregnant. If you are
too fat or overweight, it will be the risk that threatens problems about health
including diabetes and high blood pressure.
You should spend time doing exercise and
change daily diet to have a suitable weight if you try to become pregnant.

should spend time doing exercise and change daily diet to have a suitable
weight if you try to become pregnant.
5. Create for yourselves the habit of doing exercise
Doing exercise will help you maintain a
well-proportioned body and keep your health. If you create for yourselves the
habit of doing exercise early, it will be also useful when you are pregnant and
it helps you give birth more easily.
Every day, you should spend 15-30 minutes doing
exercise. You can choose to walk, ride bicycle and swim. From now, you should
consider plan to attend class of sport before you are pregnant.
6. Have a healthy diet
Habit of eating and drinking can affect
health in general and ability of becoming pregnant of women in particular. If
you and your husband make plan for having children in the next time, both of
you need to consider whether your diet is suitable or not.
You should provide many foods that contain
a lot of protein, Fe, calcium and folic acid. You should also eat a lot of
fresh fruits, kinds of grain, vegetables with green leaves, and products from
milk with less fat.

you and you husband want to have children in the next time, both of you need to
pay attention to diet that contains a lot of nutrients.
Women should also limit to nosh and foods
that aren’t rich of nutrients but rich in calories and contain a lot of oil
such as fried potato, roasted cake, and soda.
7. Save money for babies
You want spend the best things for your
children, so at the beginning, you should make plan about finance problem for
children. You can begin with necessary amount of money such as taking care of
fetus’s health, staying in hospital in process of giving birth, buying
necessary things for babies…
8. Limit to use caffeine
Every day when you wake up, you realize
that you cannot do anything if you lack a cup of coffee. You are allowed to use
a small cup of coffee in a day.
Experts advise that women that are going to
become pregnant and pregnant women shouldn’t use over 200mg of caffeine/day.
If women use drinks that contain caffeine
they shouldn’t drink strong coffee and tea. You should use fruit juices, weak
tea to replace for those drinks.
9. Give up cigarette
If you are smoking cigarette, this is the
time for you to give up cigarette. Smoking cigarette can affect ability of
becoming pregnant. Especially, smoking cigarette in pregnancy can increase the
risk of premature birth, light weight for babies and even miscarriage. Fetus
will have high risk of SIDS. Inhaling cigarette smoke will make you become
people that smoke cigarette passively and it is as dangerous as smoking
cigarette directly.
10. Avoid
wine and beer
Giving up wine, beer and drinks that
contain alcohol is necessary thing before you intend to become pregnant.

up wine, beer and drinks that contain alcohol is necessary thing before you
intend to become pregnant.
In some cases, wine can make process of
becoming pregnant more difficult. Especially, when pregnant women drink wine, they
can make their fetuses have inborn defect or problem in thinking and awareness
in the future.
Some women unintentionally drink wine and
beer and they don’t know that they are pregnant. However, limiting and avoid
using wine and beer in a long time will help you have a safe pregnancy.
11. Find
out about regulations/subsidy for pregnancy
You should check welfare regulations and
interests of supporting about pregnancy at your working place. Besides
insurance policies for pregnant women according to rule of government, some
companies also have own welfare fund.
You should follow insurance book and
regulations of being on holiday (if any) to arrange suitable time and spend
time giving birth and taking care of children.
Women that have condition about finance
begin to find out about service insurance regulations due to request at the
time before you are pregnant.