Find out how these readers fared on our
ultimate body transformation challenge
‘I’ve ditched my mum tum’
Sarah Waller,
34, an associate PR director, was hell bent on reclaiming her pre-baby body.
‘I feel like a totally different person –
I’m confident and feel good about the way I look for the first time in years.
Not only do I have the flat tummy I’ve been coveting, but I can even start to
see a hint of a six pack poking through. While I didn’t really need to lose
weight, after two pregnancies I hate my stomach and had no muscle definition –
there was no way I’d wear a bikini. Now, after just two months of hard work, my
body’s firmed up all over and the muffin top’s gone. I’ve even got definition
in my arms! But the biggest change of all has been to my habits – I actually
enjoy eating healthily. I’ve stopped finishing the kids’ leftovers and now
bypass the office biscuit tin, but know I can reward myself if I’ve worked hard
at the gym. I feel fantastic!’
How Sarah measures up
Height: 5FT
4 ½in
Weight: 8st
11 ½lb
Hips: 36.2in

Waller (Before)
Weight: 8st
Waist: 28in
Hips: 33in

Waller (after)
How she did it
Home core without three times a week.
Weight-training four times a week.
A low sugar diet of six small meals a day, plus
two snacks
How she’ll keep it off
Personal trainer Karolina Kaczor
( says, ‘Perhaps the biggest lesson Sarah’s learned over
the last two month is that, despite being a busy, working mum, she needs to
make time for herself. By doing so, she’s completely transformed her body
confidence, which should help her to stick to new habits. The one massage she
needs to remember is this: “Everything she puts into her mouth will
work for or against her gorgeous new body.”’