Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease,
arthritis, cancer.... are the most common genetic diseases. Therefore, if your
family has a member getting disease, you should have essential precautions.
Diabetes is a genetic disorder, so if both
parents have diabetes, their children will have the high risk of disease. If
either father or mother has diabetes, the risk of disease at their children
will increase. Diet, lifestyle, obesity are also the causes causing diabetes.
So, for people who have a family history of
diabetes should start making small changes in their lifestyle such as reducing
the amount of sugar, increasing the amount of fiber in the diet and exercising
at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week.
High blood pressure
According to the statistics of many authors,
high blood pressure maybe have genetic factor. If grandparents, parents have
high blood pressure, their children are more at risk for this disease. So,
those who have a family history of high blood pressure have to try to eliminate
the risk factors to prevent high blood pressure.
This can be done by exercising, meditation and
breathing exercises. You also should reduce the daily salt consumption by
avoiding packaged foods and foods with preservatives.
Heart disease
If either your father or mother has heart
disease, you can’t avoid the risk of this disease. If you smoke cigarettes or
drink alcohol, the risk of heart disease will be higher. You can start keeping
a steady level of cholesterol after you are 30 years old.

you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, the risk of heart disease will be higher
Therefore, you should also keep your weight at
a moderate level and begin exercising to reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in
the diet to keep your heart healthy.
Diseases about bones and joints
Rheumatoid arthritis is a common and genetic
disease. People whose mother has arthritis will have the risk of this disease
higher 50% than normal people. Although the genetic links are low, it can be
passed from parents to their children. To prevent the diseases about joints,
you should add minerals in your diet, like calcium and phosphorus. Exercises
such as walking or running will keep your knees in good condition. Maintain the
correct posture to protect the spine from damages.

the correct posture to protect the spine from damages
If your mother has been diagnosed with
osteoporosis, broken bones or even simply thin bones, small bones..., you also
need to pay attention to the health of your bones. Bone structure is affected
very much by genetic properties. The level of osteoporosis of your mother can
let you know the size or thickness of the bone, you have osteoporosis or not.
But the care of bone healthily depends on you because your bone health depends
much on environmental factors, lifestyle habits, diseases you have.
Eyesight problems
Scientific studies showed that the common
problems of the eyes are largely genetic. One of the reasons causing this
phenomenon is children read and play computer too much. However, in many cases,
genetic influence is a major factor.
If your child has symptoms such as headaches,
squinting while reading…, you should take him to the hospital soon.

of the reasons causing this phenomenon is children read and play computer too
Baldness is a common phenomenon in men, this
phenomenon may be due to gene of father or mother or both modified genetically.
Genetic gene is one of the causes of hair loss, baldness; however, this can be
prevented if you know to care your hair early.
Women with hair loss due to genetics often
tend to thin and sparse hair in the area around the occiput. Nowadays, the
dermatologists can test the pattern of hair loss to determine whether it can be
due to genetics or not, and may require blood tests to rule out other causes.
With this condition, there are topical scalps for both men and women to slow
down hair loss.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer can happen to anyone. However,
if your family had the cases of breast cancer, the ability you have this
disease would be higher because the genes causing cancer can be passed from
mother to daughter. So, if your mother or grandmother had breast cancer, you
need to pay attention more frequently to your breasts and conduct tests and
screenings required periodically.
The researches of British scientists have
found the first reliable evidence showing that genetic variations may the cause
causing depression in human.
So, if your family has a history of
depression, mania, psychosis..., you must pay attention to children with
malaise, anxiety, decreased concentration and appetite or not to see a doctor
as soon as possible.