Paying attention to take care of
health will help fetus healthy when it is in mother’s womb.
To have a perfect pregnancy, mothers should
pay attention to taking care of themselves before and during pregnancy. Mothers
don’t always know about simple things that have big effects.
The following notes will be very useful for
pregnant women in life:
Eating and drinking
enough water
Drink enough water at least 2 liters a day.
You need to drink enough water to satisfy liquid because amniotic fluid and the
amount of blood increase. As a result, nutrient and oxygen will be pumped
through placenta to fetus.

women should drink at least 2 liters a day.
forget to nosh when you have morning sickness
To overcome morning sickness, pregnant
women should eat less but regularly. You should avoid too full or too hungry.
foods that are rich of vitamin E
Kinds of grain, green vegetables, vegetable
oil... have a lot of vitamin E and they can help babies have less asthma,
allergy, eczema and other diseases.

women should eat a lot of vegetables that are rich in vitamin E.
Consuming a lot of caffeine will relate to
miscarriage, weight of fetus will light. Institution of food standard suggests
that pregnant women don’t use over 200mg of caffeine.
medicine due to direction
According to statistics, there are 40% of
women that don’t eat enough nutrients before being pregnant. It means that when
they become pregnant, they lack nutrients. Therefore, tablets that provide (Fe,
magnesium, calcium, vitamins...) due to doctor’s direction used for pregnant
women are useful. To maximize body’s consumption with vitamins and minerals,
you should take additional tablets after eating.
take medicine willingly
According to research of Bristol
University, 39% of mothers that take medicine willingly relate to problems such
as fetus dies in the womb, miscarriage or usual things of fetus. Hence, you
need to ask doctor for advice before taking medicine regardless of normal
medicine for flu or additional tablets.
careful with peanut
Researchers suggest that if mother or
father (or anyone in family has eczema, asthma or allergy), eating peanuts in
pregnancy can increase the risk of allergy for babies. All of other grains are
safe and rich in protein.

peanuts in pregnancy can increase the risk of allergy for babies.
Say no
with drinks that contain alcohol
A little of wine can cause harmful thing to
fetus. Hence, pregnant shouldn’t avoid wine as well as drinks containing
alcohol such as beer…
Pregnant women easily tend to have
constipation because their digestive system is slow. Pregnant women should eat
a lot of vegetables, fruits as well as kinds of cake, grain that can provide
no with spices
In the 3th quarter, valve in the
beginning of stomach is opened. As a result, it will cause reflux, so you
should avoid fried foods that have a lot of oil and foods that contain a lot of
fat and spices.
vitamin D and calcium
Vitamin D and calcium are 2 important
substances for bones and teeth of fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should
provide fish containing oil, milk and yoghurt in daily nutrition. Moreover, you
shouldn’t forget to go out because sunlight is the best source that synthesizes
vitamin D for the body.

women should be provided milk, yoghurt… in daily nutrition.
eat for 2 people
In pregnancy, the amount of calories should
only be increased 15% (add 200-300kcal/day), but fetus needs diversified demand
about vitamin and mineral. So, pregnant women should eat more diversified and
forget folic acid
If mothers provide enough folic acid, it
will help babies avoid defects about nerve pipe such as breaking vertebra,
light weight to newborn babies. Newborn babies that have light weight will
easily catch respiratory disease and diabetes. Therefore, pregnant women should
provide 400mcg of folic acid from the time when you want to become pregnant
until the 12th week of pregnancy. A diet that is rich in folic acid
including bread, grain, milk proving folic acid, green vegetable…