There’re safe methods to help children get
rid of cold fast and efficiently.
To limit the bad effects of overuse and
overdose drugs when children have flu or cold, the medical association
recommended that parents shouldn’t let children under 6 under years old take
any medicine arbitrarily.
So, with the present limited treatment,
what could parents do to help their children get over runny, stuffy noses, sore
throat and coughing?
Let’s find out safe and efficient methods
to help children improve the cold without medicines.
Nasal aspirator

should give some supports on taking the nasal fluid out the noses by using a
ball-like tool made by rubber.
Most of children under 2 years old don’t
know how to blow their noses to clean the noses by themselves. For that reason,
moms should give some supports on taking the nasal fluid out the noses by using
a ball-like tool made by rubber.
Ways to use nasal aspirator: let babies lay
down in your arms. At first, moms should drop several saline drops in baby’s
noses. Squeeze the bulb slightly to create vacuum suctions then slightly put
the intake in one side of baby’s nose. After that, slowly release the bulb and
take it out. This method is efficiently applied for babies under 6 months old.
Use saline (treat stuffy nose, runny nose and dry rheum)

saline is a simple way but is very effective in cleaning inflamed nasal tissue
as well as softens the mucus in the nose easily.
Using saline is a simple way but is very
effective in cleaning inflamed nasal tissue as well as softens the mucus in the
nose easily. Especially, saline also have ability to clean the nose daily in
order to prevent snivel.
Ways to clean children’s nose with saline:
put the babies in your thighs, let their heads lay back down. Gently drop 2-3
drops of saline into children’s nose (avoid letting the tube contact with the
nose to prevent infection). After that, you should keep babies stay at the
position then lift their head up and take the rheum out with the nasal
Moms should know that when children have
signs of snivel, there’s very possible that they had flu. At that time,
cleaning their nose is just a temporarily method to reduce the stuffy nose and
doesn’t have the ability to affect the viruses that the children are infected
with. For that reason, in the following days, the rheum will get thicker every
day and be able to change into yellow or green. Hence, even though moms start
cleaning children’s nose on the first day of the first flu signs, the snivel
can last for 2 weeks.

children have snivel, there’re many chances that they have had flus.
Use heat generators (treat stuffy nose, tightness in the
chest and cough)
Why we need to use heat generators? Warm
air is a wonderful remedy to clear the nose naturally, ease the dry air in
winter days, reduce nose dryness and wheezing cough. Turn the heat generator on
at night will efficiently support children’s respiratory processes.
There’re 2 types of generators. The first
type ones can produce hot wet air and hot air. Those machines have a
disadvantage: they may cause burns to children. The seconds are cooling
generators. Those should be turned on 1 hour before bed and you have to check
the quantity of water in the machine regularly to have timely support. Moms
should take notice that the steam made by the cooling generator can cause
mildew and create good conditions for viral developments. To limit that, moms
should clean and sterilize the water tank recurrently within following
manufacturer’s instructions and never keep the water in the tank when not using
the machine.
Sweat out (stuffy nose, tightness in the chest, wheezing
and cough)
Sweating out will help children clear the
nose, reduce the tightness in the chest and cough. Additionally, it’s also very
good for treating laryngitis in infants.
Directions: Moms can turn bathroom into
steam room by closing all the doors in the bathroom, fill the tub with hot
water and let the water steam. Moms should be careful and keep the children
away from the hot water to protect them from burns. The sensible time to do the
sweat-out is 10 to 15 minutes. When children feel really comfortable, use your
hand to lightly pat on baby’s chest to help better the respiratory issues.
The sweating up can be conducted regularly
during the flu period, day by day and repeatedly in the morning or in the
evening, before bed.