There’re some fast foods that are good for
pregnant women’s health. You can consider them to be snacks. The followings are
delicious foods that you should use in your pregnancy.
Fruits are very good for human health,
especially for pregnant women’s. Fruits are similar to fresh vegetables, and
considered to be the essential food sources to pregnant women.
Substances in fruits will help pregnant
women and their fetuses be healthy, reduce the risk of gestational anemia.
They could be apple, pear, orange, banana,
soursop, custard apple… drinking smoothies of those fruits is also an
interesting choice. They are rich in energy, able to help you be strong and
provide you with energy. Additionally, those foods are easily digested, which
is very good for your and your baby’s health.
You can choose more of your favorite fruits
that still bring specific effects for example: orange, lime, grapefruit… which
have lots of C that can strengthen the teeth and gums, increase resistance for
the body.

are very good for human health, especially for pregnant women’s.
Fruits which are rich in folic acid have
effects on preventing neural tube defects in children. They are contained in
dark-yellow fruits like: apricots, peaches…
Besides, strawberries have plenty of
vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Magnesium in strawberries has the ability
to prevent inflammation, build fetal bones and strengthen mother’s bone.
Strawberries are also consisted on the group of folate fruits that are able to
prevent fetal birth defects.
Dried grapes
A small box of dried grape can provide
fibers, iron and potassium for pregnant women, especially to ones that have
sweet appetite.
On the nutrition value side, dried grapes
are useful foods for health as they contain less fat but lots of energy, easily
preserved and fit pregnant women’s pockets.

small box of dried grape can provide fibers, iron and potassium for pregnant
Dried grapes reduce uncomfortable
constipation that pregnant women have to suffer from.
The weather changing makes pregnant women
easily get flu. Yogurt will provide nutrients that help respiratory system be
obviously improved. Yogurt is also a better source of calcium than normal milk
and has lots of nutrients like vitamin B, protein and zinc.
It keeps bones and teeth of pregnant women
and fetuses strong and healthy. The useful and natural bacteria in yogurt will
help pregnant women improve resistance and prevent them from disease and viral

will provide nutrients that help respiratory system be obviously improved.
It’s no need to say that nearly everyone
knows about 5 yogurt effects on pregnant women’s health.
A jar of yogurt can provide 25% of your
daily calcium needs as well as essential protein, minerals and vitamins. On
another hand, yogurt contains lots of good bacteria for your digestion.
Whole grains
Whole-grain bread and whole grains are rich
in folic acid, iron, fibers, vitamins and minerals. You should add those foods
into your daily breakfasts.

bread and whole grains are rich in folic acid, iron, fibers, vitamins and
During pregnancy, as many women have high
blood pressure, eating whole grains can help you solve the problem. Those
elements of whole grains bring many benefits for cardiovascular health, glucose
metabolism and blood vessels of pregnant women.
It could be watercress, spinach, tomato,
celery or cucumber… green-leaf vegetables contain all antioxidants and
essential nutrients for pregnant women and their fetuses. There are
dark-green-leaf vegetables that should be added in daily diet, such as spinach,
broccoli, asparagus and kale.
Those nutrients are especially good for
pregnant women’s and fetal health. A part from antioxidants, green-leaf
vegetables also provide calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin A and folate.
Vitamin A in green-leaf vegetables helps improve eyesight, bones and skin of
fetuses. Therefore, pregnant women shouldn’t skip those popular and nutritious

could be watercress, spinach, tomato, celery or cucumber…
Carrot contains vitamin A and fibers.
Carrots also have a great content of beta carotene. Beta carotene will transfer
into vitamin A, B, E and good minerals for the body when it’s absorbed.
Carrot will help pregnant women feel
healthy with bright eyes, strong bones and teeth. They will help beautify the
skin, hair and prevent cancers.

smoothie is also a good idea for pregnant women.
It’s very likely that cheese is able to be
your favorite food because of its greasy, nosy, delicious flavors. Cheese has
lots of calcium and protein that are enough to meet your need. Cheese has many
effects on preventing cancers, beautify skin, teeth and strengthen bones.

has lots of calcium and protein that are enough to meet your need.
Orange juice can provide calcium and vitamin D
A half of a glass of orange juice can provide
a half of your vitamin C need and 15% of your calcium need. According to
scientists, orange is one of fruit kinds that contains lots of vitamin C, A,
calcium and fiber… that are very good for pregnant women.

juice is a better source of calcium and vitamins than any milk products.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) in orange helps
prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancers (especially stomach cancer and lanryngeal
cancer) as they are rich in antioxidant.
Orange juice is a better source of calcium
and vitamins than any milk products. Scientist proved that pregnant women who
often drank orange juice are prevented from osteoporosis and other diseases.