Experts showed that calcium is an important
nutrient to women in all age, especially in pregnancy. Most pregnant women have
awareness about the importance of calcium in intensifying the developing
process of fetus’s bone as well as maintaining healthy and strong bones in
their body. In addition, calcium plays important role before the pregnancy. It
will help women intensify the ability of becoming pregnant.
1. Milk, cheese, yoghurt and cream
According to experts, calcium is an
important nutrient to women in all age, especially in pregnancy. Most pregnant
women have awareness about the importance of calcium in intensifying the
developing process of fetus’s bone as well as maintaining healthy and strong
bones in their body. In addition, calcium plays important role before the
pregnancy. It will help women intensify the ability of becoming pregnant.

is an important nutrient to women in all age, especially in pregnancy.
Providing calcium from the source of products
that is processed from milk and rich of fats such as milk, yoghurt, cream and
cheese not only helps bone strong and healthy but also helps the functions of
internal organs of women maintain the state of operating effectively.

calcium from the products processed from milk and are rich of fats will help
bone healthy and strong
The connection of milk and increasing the
reproductive ability of women isn’t known thoroughly by science. However,
scientists carried out a lot of researches about this topic. And all results
showed that consuming the high content of calcium will bring a lot of benefits
for reproductive health to women. To help the process of becoming pregnant
flowing, pregnant women should provide about 100omg of calcium for body.
In addition, the recent researches gave the
conclusion that products that are processed from butter, milk containing the
high content of fat can help intensify the ability of becoming pregnant. On the
contrary, the products that are processed from butter and milk with less fat
won’t bring the positive effect in helping women’s reproductive ability.
In reality, researchers showed that women
that drink less fat milk can reduce the reproductive ability. Therefore, to
increase the ability of becoming pregnant, women should consume at least a
portion of milk that is rich of fat/day to provide enough necessary calcium for
2. Carbohydrate (including sugar, starch and fiber)
In the recent years, carbohydrate is
assigned. Many people avoid consuming carbohydrate because it can make the size
of waist increase. This is an incorrect awareness because not all kinds of
carbohydrate are the perpetrators that cause gaining weight.

kinds of carbohydrate that exist in the grain with whole seed not only bring a
lot of benefits for health but also improve the reproductive ability of women.
According to experts, the kinds of
carbohydrate that exist in the grain with whole seed not only bring a lot of
benefits for health but also improve the reproductive ability of women. Eating
kinds of refined carbohydrate, for example carbohydrate that is found in bread
white rice can make the level of sugar and insulin in blood increase. This
state can obstruct body to produce the hormones that relate to reproduction. As
a result, it will lead to the postponing or prevent the process of becoming