When it’s hot, you can easily feel nausea
and tired. Therefore, you need to follow a healthy diet to reduce the
You should eat foods that are light and
easy to be digested to remove the heat inside and provide water for the body.
Foods that are easy to be digested can be divided into 3 following groups:

need to follow a healthy diet to reduce the discomfort.
Group 1: fish, lean meat, egg, milk and soy products… Those are foods that
contain high level of protein. In hot weather, the human body can consume lots
of protein. For that reason, it’s necessary for people to be well-provided with
protein in hot weather.
Group 2: porridges: In hot season, you can eat green-bean, black-bean or
sesame porridge…
Group 3: fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins
Bitter foods
You should eat some bitter foods in hot
season. The alkaloid in bitter and hot foods can help you remove the inside
heat, stimulate the blood circle and expand blood vessels.

like garlic and vinegar have effects on getting rid of viruses and improving
Besides, you can regularly eat foods that
are nosy like pear or creeper’s fruits to refresh the body and increase
appetite. Moreover, you can add some spices into the foods. Spices like garlic
and vinegar have effects on getting rid of viruses and improving digestion.
You should choose healthy drinks in hot
season. Herbal tea, green tea and chamomile tea can ease the thirst in summer
and improve eyesight and diuretic. At the same time, herbal tea also helps you
prevent cancer and prevent teeth from damaged.
Green-bean porridge
Practically, green-bean porridge is the
best porridge to be eaten in summer. The green bean contains a variety of
protein, lecithin, carotene, riboflavin and acid nicotinic. Green-bean porridge
has effects on removing the heat of the body, improving resistance and treating
rheumatism. If you don’t like green-bean, you can have tasty plum juice. Dried plums
have many effects on bactericidal action, preventing and coping with thirst and

porridge is the best porridge to be eaten in summer.
Reduce to eat ice-cream and coke
Hot weather will make people have appetite
of ice-cream and coke. In fact, absorbing ice-cream and coke is harmful to the
human body. Eating ice-cream and lower the temperature of the stomach and
intestine, which causes diarrhea and stomachache. Drinking soda can injure the
milt and stomach, reduce the appetite and cause influence on functions of stomach
and intestine. Hence, in hot seasons, you can drink juice and water instead of
coke to provide yourself essential nutrients and improve your health.

foods should be limited eating in hot seasons.
Black-eye pea: This is one of vegetables that are crop-dusted the most. When
customers buy it, though they deep it or clean it well, the poison is just
somewhat removed.
Cucumber: If you eat cucumbers that aren’t cleaned carefully or unpeeled,
it’s very possible that you will be poisoned.
Bean-sprouts: This is a vegetable that has cool nature, lots of nutrients, is
delicious and in many people’s favorite. It’s safe eating the food in the
regular way which is soaking. However, nowadays, some people planting
bean-sprout by using some stimulants, urea, to make the bean-sprouts grow
better, more effectively and it make people who eat bean-sprouts easily get

is a vegetable that has cool nature, lots of nutrients, is delicious and in
many people’s favorite.
To protect the health of you and your
family, it’d better if you eat many kinds of vegetables instead of one kind in
a long period of time. Before processing and eating, you should clean the foods
carefully to remove the disease elements. If you find strange signs happening
after eating the food, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Besides, the hot and sultry weather can
cause dehydration which dues to a great amount of sweat, and functional
disorders, which dues to high ambient temperature… Therefore, when it’s hot,
you need to avoid or limit using some spicy foods like curry, cinnamon, anise,
cloves, cardamom, ginger, galangal, lemongrass, pepper, turmeric, onion,
garlic… grilled foods and fried foods. There’re some other foods that you
should also limit eating, such as cashew nuts, roasted peanut, pumpkin seeds,
water melon seeds, sunflower seed… butter, cheese, sweet confectionery