Giving up bad habits before being pregnant
is basic step to become a perfect mother.
All of us have bad habits that cannot avoid
such as noshing in every evening, going to bar regularly to meet friends and
drink wine. When you begin to make plan to give birth in the next time, you
need to think seriously about consequence from those bad habits.
You should give up those bad habits as soon
as possible to help process of becoming pregnant take place faster, more
advantageous and create a complete health foundation for your children that are
born in the future.
1. Cigarette
do you have to give up smoking cigarette before being pregnant?
Smoking not only is harmful to you but also
makes being pregnant become more difficult. Nicotine, carbon monoxide can
affect the development of baby’s lungs. In addition, it also increases the complications
of newborn babies.

not only is harmful to you but also makes being pregnant become more difficult.
to give up
If you want, you cannot give up
immediately. But you need to:
Avoid interacting with people that are smoking
Let you be always busy. If you crave for
cigarette, you can talk or do something to replace, for example chewing gum,
2. Wine
do you need to give up wine early?
According to some researches, sometimes,
drinking a little of beer and wine is safe to pregnant women. But doctors
advise that pregnant women should avoid wine completely in pregnancy.
If you are trying to become pregnant, you
should be careful in using wine. Sometimes women don’t realize that they have
pregnant until babies develop in some weeks.
According to a research, if women use
drinks containing alcohol when they want to be pregnant, 39% of them have less
ability to be pregnant in 6 months compared to women that don’t use alcohol.
Drinking wine in pregnancy will increase
the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.
Wine can affect development of nerve system
of fetus. It even leads to wine syndrome in fetus. In addition, it also leads
to problems about slow development of mentality and inborn heart defect.

pregnancy, drinking wine will increase the risk of miscarriage and premature
to give up it
You shouldn’t pay attention to everyone
around in party using wine. It isn’t impossible with a pregnant woman. You can
choose for yourself an attractive glass of fruits or fruit juices.
In the case that you used to addict wine,
you should contact with rehabilitation supporting center to receive practical
3. Using medicine based on prescription
should you give up?
Medicine based on prescription is
classified A, B, C, D and X that are issued competence of classifying when they
are used for pregnant women.
You should be careful when using kinds of
medicine that belong to group C because there are disadvantageous effects on
researching on animal.
Medicines of group D can cause risk for
fetus. Medicine of group X can create defect to fetus.
If you are using some medicine based on prescription,
you should tell doctor immediately. If you are intending to be pregnant, you
need to stop drinking all kinds of medicine that belong to group D or X.
To be safer, women should avoid using all
kinds of medicine in period of first quarter. You should also check direction
for use and components of medicine before beginning to use any new kinds of
to give up
If you are taking medicines that belong to
group C, D or X, you can ask specialized doctor to replace with another
medicine that is safer in the time when you want or you are pregnant.
You can follow consultation of experts to
consider methods that are used to treat disease combined besides taking
4. Coffee
do you have to give up coffee?
According to many researches, in pregnancy,
if mothers use caffeine, it can affect reproductive ability and increase the
risk of miscarriage.
If you drink more than 3 glasses of coffee
a day, fetus will become undersized, undernourished and it can lead to
premature birth.
But coffee isn’t the only culprit. Some
drinks also contain caffeine such as tea, chocolate, cold drink, and some

mothers use caffeine, it can affect reproductive ability and increase the risk
of miscarriage.
to limit it
Experts advise that safe consumption of
caffeine to pregnant women is 200mg of caffeine in pregnancy.
The better way to order a cup of cappuccino
coffee, you can try a cup of medical herb tea to replace.