Do you know that pregnancy brings you “super-natural
powers” that you even don’t know?
Hey future mother, just forget all the
tiredness and difficulties you are suffering from the pregnancy for a moment. Do
you know that pregnancy brings you “super power” that you even do not know?
Only forming a tiny body is a miracle itself.
Let us list 10 super-natural powers that
pregnancy brings to you.
1. Partly transformation – the capability of changing the shape of a certain
body part
This is a miracle ability that pregnancy
brings to you with plump breast and the most beautiful ever. Where are they
from? Who cares? Did you pay a penny to have a plastic surgery so that you own
a sexy breast, which may cost thousands of dollars?
2. Super smart brain – The capability of knowing many things naturally
without studying
Your grandma and your mother used to be
pregnant – and now it’s your turn. And guess, what will happen? By some
miracles, you seem to know clearly what to do in the pregnancy. It is called
“mother inner ability”. You might not hear someone call it “super-natural
power” – but that’s it!
3. Super scream – creates the high-pitched sound that normal people
The scream you make during delivery is
definitely not identical to screams made in horror films or when someone steps
on your feet. This sound must be much more terrified.

scream – creates the high-pitched sound that normal people cannot do.
4. Sixth sense – The capability of communicating to an invisible or
supernatural thing
Yes, of course you are not talking to a
creature from an outer space, but the seed of life is growing in your body like
a strange creature. And with any kicks, you know that what he or she trying to
tell you.
5. Copying gestures – The capability to copy the animals’ gestures
The crocodile takes her babies in the mouth
to protect them, the seal wrap her babies in the seaweed so that they won’t be
taken away by ocean waves. Being a mother, you carry your baby in your body,
and connecting to him by a placenta, and other things that out of your
imagination, which you do for protecting your babies. And notice whether you are
storing things for your delivery day, as a bear storing thing for the long
6. Separating yourself – The capabilities of creating copies of
You will have some features that are
identical to yours such as hair, eyes, face, lips or skin colors, etc. You will
always consider your baby the most beautiful. Yes, she heritages from you.
7. Fortune teller – Capabilities of forecasting futures through dreams
All predict that you are having a chubby
boy. But only you know that you are going to give birth to a tiny cute girl.
8. Summon and trance – The capabilities of asking other people do to
things for you
Use this power to ask your husband to be
responsible for heavy tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and washing dishes. Hey,
you are caring a baby during 280 days, so don’t count on yourself to do

this power to ask your husband to be responsible for heavy tasks.
9. Super absorb – The capability of eating everything
Suddenly, you can eat the whole box of ice
cream and pizza at the same time without being afraid of gaining weight. Isn’t
it wonderful?
10. Biological
control – The capability of affecting others biologically
Being a pregnant woman, you can control the
tiny body inside you. Eat more vegetables if you want him to be healthier, and
listen to classical music if you want your baby to express the love for music.
Are you surprised about yourself? Be proud,
because you are taking a serious mission of the nature mother.