You are industrious to do exercise and you
always pay attention to your daily portion. However, your weight doesn’t
reduce. Have you ever thought that you are catching some disease and this is
the reason that can make you have difficulty in losing weight? You shouldn’t
think that when you catch disease, you will lose weight. Many diseases will
make patients have difficulty in losing weight.

you are catching some disease, your process of losing weight will have
This is the list of these diseases:
1. The disability of thyroid gland or the thyroid gland failure
The thyroid gland failure is a disease that
relates to thyroid gland. Nowadays, because of the condition of life, this
disease becomes popular to women. When women have disease in thyroid gland,
women can meet some symptoms such as tiredness, stress, sweating at night, not
suffering cold feeling and not controlling their weight.
Thyroid gland has the responsibility for
the metabolism, temperature, the sweating process, and transforming energy in
body. Therefore, when the function of thyroid gland reduces, it will make the
metabolism slow and you will have difficulty in losing weight.
Unfortunately, thyroid gland has a lot of
effect on stress. Therefore, the more body suffers from stress about
constitution and spirit, the more the disease of thyroid gland will increase.
Therefore, if you are trying and you cannot
lose your weight, you should test your thyroid gland to know whether you catch
the related disease or not.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is the state of endocrine disorder in
women’s body. It can have the expressions such as: irregular menstruation,
bushy hair, acne and obesity.
According to health experts, this disease will
affect the menstrual cycle, so it affects women’s reproductive ability. In
addition, women that catch this syndrome can meet unstable state of sugar in
blood and the level of testosterone. This can be the reason that causes
childlessness and it has the bad effect on thyroid gland. When the amount of
sugar in blood is unstable and women have disease that relates to thyroid
gland, they will have difficulty in controlling their weight.
3. Heart disease
Heart disease can make the level of
cholesterol in body high. It also makes the wall of artery thick. In addition,
it also increases the risk of coronary thrombosis and stroke. All elements can
affect the process of transforming energy and consuming fat. Therefore,
patients that have heart disease can be overweight.
The foods that we eat and stressed mood can
be the reasons that increase the level of cholesterol, especially bad
cholesterol. This thing will make women have difficulty in losing weight and
they can easily catch heart disease and stroke.

mood can be the reason that increases the level of cholesterol, especially bad
4. Diabetes
When catching diabetes type 2, patients;
body won’t have the normal reaction to keep the amount of sugar in blood
stable. Once the amount of sugar in blood isn’t stable, producing, consuming
energy and burning fat also have difficulty. Therefore, people that have
diabetes can gain weight or lose weight without controlling. We can say that
there is a correlation between the overweight state and regulating the amount
of sugar in blood.
Unfortunately, nowadays, many teenagers and
children are diagnosed to catch diabetes because of being overweight. Most
people exercise less, or they eat a lot of refined or processed foods.

teenagers and children are diagnosed to catch diabetes because of being
If you recognize anything that is doubtful
about your health, you should go to test as soon as possible to be diagnosed
disease early.