Just 5 simple movements are able to help
your body get slim and firm.

to reduce fat
There is no need to expensive gym; just
spent 15 minutes a day exercising, and you can lose weight as your expectation.
1. Combined press-up movements
Implementation: 10 times

press-up movements
Initially, the body is in a position the
same as push movement, then push the bottom up to form right angle between legs
and back, pull legs forward, and put your feet on the floor (Figure 1)
Slowly lower the body down, toes touch the
floor; put both hands straight against on the floor (Figure 2)
Elbow, press down the body to parallel to
the floor (Figure 3)
Finally press hips on the floor, lean both
stretched hands, back neck, pull back on the back (Figure 4)
2. Flexing movements
Implementation: 15 times

First, be upright on the floor, press two
legs together, slightly bend knees, and clasp two hands in front of the chest
(Figure 1)
Swing feet high, drop hands, and place the
legs into a V shape (Figure 2)
When contacting ground, lean forward, let both
hands grasp the big toe, put the feet right perpendicularly to the floor
(Figure 3).
3. Back-bending movements
Implementation: 10 times

First, locate on the floor, two feet are
put perpendicularly to the floor, bend back, both hands touch the floor (Figure
Slowly lower arms to parallel to the body,
extend the knee, raise your back, and let your head touch the floor (Figure 2)
4. Leg movements
Implementation: 10 times

Put legs perpendicularly to the floor, lean
hands against the floor, and slowly push back to form a straight line parallel
to the floor (Figure 1)
Put the right leg up, and pull on the left
hand side, touch left hand (Figure 2)
Repeat the first position and switch leg.
5. Abdominal movements
Implementation: 10 times

Lie back on the floor, outstretch legs and
arms, and pull legs and arms up to form X-shaped (Figure 1)
Turn over to the left, move into straight
lying position and retract knees forward head (Figure 2).
Turn to the Figures 1 position and switch