High-nutritious diet is very
important during pregnancy.
Light foods provide more important
nutrients to the women during pregnancy, including vitamin C, folic and
Here are 5 foods pregnant women should eat
during pregnancy.

Supper Foods For Pregnant Women
Orange juice
A glass of orange juice every day provides
you essential nutrients like potassium, folate acid and vitamin C.
Maybe you have heard of the role of
minerals such as Folate and folic acid during pregnancy. These nutrients are
necessary to prevent early birth defects during pregnancy and ensure a healthy
pregnancy in the future. Therefore, don’t forget to supply about 600 microgram
of these every day.
Potassium in orange juice is also healthy
to the metabolic process and increases your overall health.
Folic acid is very important to all women,
especially to pregnant women or those who are trying to conceive. It helps to
prevent some kinds of birth defects and produce healthy blood cells.

glass of orange juice is good for the pregnant women.
Besides, orange juice is also a source of
high-vitamin C food which helps to prevent cold and increase the body’s iron
absorption, also makes the teeth and the bones of the baby healthier.
Orange juice has more calcium vitamins than
dairy products. A research from scientists shows that pregnant women who
usually have orange juice and grapefruit juice can be help on preventing
osteoporosis and other diseases.
Calcium concentrates more in the orange
peel. To take full advantages from the amount of calcium in the peel, pregnant
women can have orange peel with orange juice or sliced oranges. When being used
like that, oranges are good for both mothers and fetus.
Pregnant women should use fresh oranges,
squeeze them for juice without adding sugar. You can drink a small glass of
orange juice every day or every 2 day if getting bored.
Notice: if
pregnant women have orange juice right after eating breakfast, this is not
healthy. As orange juice has a high amount of sugar, the sugar in it will be
fermented after having breakfast, which causes abdominal discomfort. Remember
that you shouldn’t have orange juice at night, as orange juice has diuretic
effect which easily causes night urination, from which can cause sleeplessness.
It’s the best to use orange juice when you are not hungry or full, which means
that after eating 1-2 hours.
Yogurt is actually cow’s milk being
fermented with many kinds of beneficial bacteria which are good for the
digestion system (Lactobacillus bulgaricus). They change milk into lactic,
create a delicious sourness.

not only has high nutrition value but also is easy to eat.
Yogurt has high nutrition value and
contains a full pack of protein (with essential amino acids, especially Lisin),
Glucid, lipid, minerals (especially calcium) and vitamin, mainly A and B
The delicious and cool flavor of yogurt has
won the heart of the choosiest pregnant women. Not just that, yogurt has many
kinds of beneficial bacteria which is good for the digestion process as well as
provide a rich source of protein for pregnant women.
Yogurt contains more calcium and protein
than regular milk. Yogurt also provides lot of beneficial bacteria which are
good for the digestion system and immune system.
Not just that, some bacteria in yogurt
create antibiotics which have the ability of killing the harmful bacteria
inside the stomach. Besides, yogurt has a lot of beneficial bacteria which
prevent the vaginal infection.
Many pregnant women can’t stand the taste
of milk for pregnant women, but they are very interested with yogurt.
You shouldn’t have yogurt when hungry since
some acids in yogurt will make your stomach become tired. It’s the best to have
yogurt after the main meal about 1-2 hours.
This is a vegetable high in calcium,
vitamin C, B6 and folate so it’s good for the health of pregnant women.
A bowl of broccoli soup contains 104mcg
folic acid (about ¼ need of folic acid every day). Besides, broccoli is rich in
calcium, vitamin C, fiber and iron.

is a high-calcium vegetable which is goof for pregnant women.
You can have 2-3 meal with broccoli which
can be cooked with specific ways such as boiled or steamed…every week.
However, to keep the nutrients in broccoli as well as make it delicious, the
best way is to broccoli in the microwave oven and steam for 2 minutes, after
that, take the broccoli out, put it in the boiling soup for a few minute and it
can be fit to eat.
Lentil has the same origin as legume, just
like green beans, peas, red beans, black beans, soybeans, peanuts chickpeas… Lentil
contains lot of protein, vitamin B1, minerals as well as a high content of
fiber so it’s good for those who have heart diseases, diabetes as well as
making the skin softer.

prevents constipation efficiently for the pregnant women.
In the legume family, lentil stays on the
top of the list because the amount of folic acid which is essential to the body
inside lentil is very high. Besides, lentil also contains a high amount of
iron, protein and fiber, which help to prevent the appearance of constipation
during the whole pregnancy of the women.
It’s really surprising as fig contains lots
of essential nutrients to a healthy pregnancy. Researches show that the
nutritional components in fig are equal to those in breast milk.

nutritional components in fig are equal to those in breast milk.
Fig contains a high amount of potassium
which helps to control the blood pressure. Therefore, it stops hypertension
related to pre-eclampsia – an extremely dangerous sign during pregnancy.
Fig is rich in fiber which helps to reduce
constipation - the most common problem during pregnancy.
Proteolytic Enzyme in fig supports the
digestion system of the mother.
Alkali in fig helps to control appetite
during pregnancy. This helps pregnant mother to have a healthy diet, reduce
excessive weight and obesity
Fig is rich in vitamin B6. For a long time,
vitamin has been proved as a healthy food in reducing constipation. It also
contains a remarkable amount of omega 3 which is essential for the development
of the fetus as well as reduces the premature birth.
Psoralens, a component in fig has the
effect of reducing burnt for pregnant women.