You should check again your habits that can
affect babies badly or not.
When women aren’t pregnant, they can be
prejudiced to eat raw food, exercise strongly, drink coffee and even drink
wine. However, when you prepare to become future mother and have a young
person, you should be very careful, control habits and avoid unfortunate
consequences that can happen and the worst case is miscarriage. Mothers should
refer and prevent.
1. Eating raw foods
In the past, if women are followers of raw
food such as noodle soup with rare beef, raw fish sushi, they should give up
until babies are born healthily.
Foods that are undercooked contain many
kinds of bacteria such as E. Coli, listeria, campylobacter, salmonella that can
cause miscarriage, premature birth and still birth. You should remember that
you only eat foods that are cooked well-done. Besides, if fresh milk isn’t
unpasteurized, you shouldn’t use because milk contains listeria bacterium that
can increase the risk of miscarriage.
2. Rubbing womb in pregnancy
Many pregnant women think that rubbing womb
means that they are fondling, comforting and coddling baby, so they often rub.
Some other women are afraid of cracked skin, so they use kinds of skin cream to
rub, massage carefully to make cream absorb deeper, protect skin more
effective. However, they don’t know that this thing will affect abdominal wall
and it can lead to fetal derangement because of shrink of womb.
However, this thing doesn’t mean that you
cannot rub womb. You can rub smoothly without tightening strongly. In addition,
you shouldn’t rub in a long time and many times in a day. In the past, if women
that used to have fetal derangement, miscarriage…, you shouldn’t rub and flap

pregnancy, rubbing belly will affect fetus.
3. Walking
Many people believe that walking a lot will help birth become more easily. In reality, if you walk too much, you can create pressure for hipbone and belly. As a result, it can lead to premature birth, especially to women that have opened womb.
Therefore, pregnant women can begin to
practice smoothly, walk slowly without making every effort.
You aren’t allowed to attend sports that
have strong exercise. Using a lot of strength, carrying heavy things, a lot of
physical activities can be harmful to health.
4. Eating and drinking cold food
In reality, in pregnancy, temperature of
pregnant women is higher than normal a little. If you are in hot summer,
pregnant women will feel tired and uncomfortable. At that time, if they drink a
cup of cold water or eat ice cream to be antifebrile, this is a wonderful
thing. It is habit of many pregnant women. However, in pregnancy, this eating
and drinking type isn’t good for babies.
With hot temperature, if you accidentally provide your body with cold foods and drinks, blood vessels in belly and womb will shrink and as a result, it will affect fetus badly. Consequently, experts advise pregnant women to limit to eat ice cream and drink cold water.
- 9 Bad Habits That Can Cause Miscarriage (part 2)