4. Pearl barley
The pearl barley contains lots of amino
acid that is necessary to the body. Eating lots of pearl barley can provide the
energy consumed because of the high temperature on hot days and improve resistance
power. For women, having a sensible amount of pearl barley can help them have a
bright, smooth skin, reduce wrinkles, remove freckles and brown spots.
5. Purslain
The purslain is easy to grow, take care of
and find. It’s a herbal remedy and food and has cold nature. In fact, it’s
proved that the purslain can make quite a stimulation on the uterus and
increase the time and intensity of the uterus‘s elasticity, which produce the
risk of miscarriage.
6. Medlar

Medlar has an ability to excite the uterus and stimulate the elasticity.
The Medlar has sour, acrid and sweet
flavors that are very suitable for pregnant women with their morning sickness,
but it’s not good indeed. According to documents, the Medlar has an ability to
excite the uterus and stimulate the elasticity, causing miscarriage and
pre-mature birth.
7. Caffeine drinks
In pregnancy, if women use caffeine drinks
usually (coffee, tea, coke, tonic, soda, cocktail…), they’ll have a risk of
increasing heart rate and blood pressure, which leads to insomnia and headache.
Not only that, it also affects the fetus’s development, which produces the risk
of miscarriage and premature birth.
8. Longan
Longan is delicious
and has sweet smell and flavor. However, this is one of the foods that pregnant
women shouldn’t eat. That’s because while pregnant, women often feel hot from
inside and constipation. Eating lots of longans will increase the hot feelings,
times of fetal derangement, bleeding inside, lower abdomen pain, or even damage
the fetus, which leads to miscarriage.

causes hot flashes which is not good for pregnant women.