Pregnancy doesn’t make a woman feel unsafe; it makes her feel
splendid and beautiful. While being pregnant can highlight the natural glow of
the skin, the glimmer shine of the hair and make you energetic, it also comes
with some small problems. If you worry about stretch mark, varicose vein and
weight gain, there’re several things you can do to make yourself beautiful
during pregnancy.

Pregnancy doesn’t make
a woman feel unsafe; it makes her feel splendid and beautiful.
Things you may need
Green apple
Fresh orange juice
Vitamin E oil
Almond oil
Keep your hair nice and the fetus healthy by not dyeing your hair
in pregnancy. Throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, your hair will grow at
unbelievable speed and will shine like you’ve never seen before, so take the
chance to be completely natural. If you realize that your hair is too oily or
dry, choose completely natural hair conditioner, or even better, make it

Throughout the 9
months, of pregnancy, your hair will grow at unbelievable speed and will shine
like you’ve never seen before, so take the chance to be completely natural
Deal with melasma by making a home-made skin mask from fruits. Melasma
causes dark circles around your eyes, especially with the exposure to the sun,
but orange is a natural sunscreen; apple and strawberry can whiten the skin.
Treat acnes in pregnancy with fresh lemon, a natural astringent that
will clear the acnes and blackheads without the affection from the harsh
chemicals from the acne treatment which can be bought from the stores. You just
need to rub a half of a lemon on the affected areas and leave it there for
about 15 minutes before cleaning it with warm water and tap gently so that your
skin will be dry.
Avoid stretch marks and varicose vein by putting a mixture made
from one portion of vitamin E oil and one portion of almond oil and massage it
all over your skin. You should start massaging yourself with these natural oils
as soon as you can to increase the elasticity and healing property of the skin.
Prevent varicose vein by keeping your feet high whens sitting or
Maintain a healthy diet that contains lots of fruits and
vegetables as well as orange juice and water. The most important part of the
natural therapy is the healthy diet which ensures you’re your body as well as
your baby’s get all the essential vitamins and minerals to keep the balance and

Maintain a healthy
diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables as well as orange juice and
Do exercise regularly, though it’s gentle exercise such as
walking, swimming, yoga or Pilates. Doing exercise regularly will help to firm
up your muscles, make your body flexible and will also keep the baby from
having excess weight. Doing exercise also gives you energy and strength in
pregnancy, making you always look beautiful.