Pregnancy changes your body in many ways, even after your
delivery. Although you lose the weight of your baby, the amniotic fluid and
placenta right after the pregnancy, you still need time to burn the fat that
accumulated in pregnancy. Your stomach also gets bigger after you’re pregnant.
As soon as your doctor confirms that your weight and other parts of your body
are still fine, you don’t need to worry about anything. Give yourself time to
recover physically and emotionally.

Turn off the TV
and stop reading fashion magazines and gossips.
1. Turn off the TV
and stop reading fashion magazines and gossips. The last thing you want to do
to strengthen your body image is reading the story about a famous mother who
recently gave birth to a child and took her shape back in only 2 weeks. If you
have friends who gave birth not so far from you, don’t compare yourself with
them. Remember that your body is yours and things that happen to others don’t
need to happen on you. If other women try to share their magical tips to lose
weight after a delivery, refuse politely.
2. Stay away from
the weight scale as much as possible. You may not resist from the temptation of
scaling yourself daily to know whether you lose any weight. However, focusing
on your weight can become an unhealthy obsession.

the time you being alone.
3. Enjoy the
private quiet time you spend on yourself after the delivery. Ask your mother,
husband or relatives to take care of your child so that you could have rests
and recoveries. The 9 months of pregnancy and the delivery caused some damages
to your body. You need to give your body time to recover and heal.
4. Start doing
exercise as soon as your doctor allows you doing it. Walking is a wonderful
postnatal exercise as it isn’t so tough and you can bring your child with you;
let them stay in a baby stroller or a baby sling. Doing exercise helps reduce
stress and improve your body shape.

is a wonderful postnatal exercise as it isn’t so tough and you can bring your
child along with you.
5. Find a
supportive person to help you improve the cognition about yourself. For
example, you can take part in a group of new moms. Having a supportive doctor
is also important, especially if your body image has been a matter to you
before the pregnancy. If a doctor criticizes on your weight or body shape, find
another who understands what you’ve been through.
6. Buy a new set of
clothes that are fit and nice. You can also buy a new pair of shoes if your
feet are swollen in pregnancy or a dress or a pair of pants that flatters your
body. Choose clothes made up of stretchy material to wear even when your weight