You know the one, she’s an H&M
swimwear poster come to life – toned, tanned and uber-confident. With our
insider tips, you can be, too!
Pre-pool: If
you want your skin to glisten in the sun – smooth, soft and bump-free – you
need to exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate! Kimberley Carter of the British
Association of Dermatologists says most summer skin problems, from heat rash to
breakouts, are caused by clogged pores, so prep skin with a scrub like Aveda
Caribbean Therapy Body Scrub, $ 45. With avocado oil, passion fruit and lime,
the scent will get you in the holiday spirit, while Caribbean cane sugar clears
your pores.
No, it’s not a G&T. Chances are your hotel’s hottie is sipping water all
day long because she knows that staying hydrated is the number one way to avoid
ugly prickly heat. ‘People suffer from prickly heat because their blood has
become thick and overheated,’ says Caroline Sproule, of Bromesgrove Allergy and
Nutrition centre. ‘Continually sipping water prevents this happening, so you’ll
avoid heat rash.’
She’s got muscle tone to die for
heard about how high-intensity interval training blasts fat and boosts
metabolism? Do it pre-holiday with these six moves.
The all-rounder
A brilliant, dynamic total-body move,
burpees are essentially two separate move merged together, to target both your
lower and upper body.
Crouch down, placing both hands on the floor at
your feet.
Shoot both feet backwards until you’re in a
press-up position.
Jump both feet forward to your hands and jump
your whole body straight up, looking straight ahead. This is one rep. repeat 15

The upper-body honer
These plank rows are great for
strengthening and toning your core, shoulders and back.
Start in the press-up position with one hand on
a sturdy chair and the other holding a dumbbell.
Pull the weight to your chest.
Lower the dumbbell back to the start position to
complete one rep. do 15 reps on each arm.

upper-body honer
The limb lengthener
Dumbbell swings target your bum, thighs,
core and arms.
Stand, holding a dumbbell with both hands, then
lower down into a half squat.
As you straighten your legs, push your kips
forwards and swing the dumbbell up to eye level with straight arms.
Allow the dumbbell to swing back down while
bending your knees into another squat. This is one rep – do 15.

limb lengthener
The total toner
These ‘lie down, stand ups’ work your while
body. Do them quickly and you’ll get cardio boost to boot.
Lie down on your front with your arms on the
floor above your head.
Stand up straight, then immediately lie down
again on your back with your arms stretched out straight above your head.
Return to the standing position to complete one
rep. repeat 15 times, aiming to work through the reps as fast as you can.

total toner
The waist cincher
This windmill move targets your oblique
With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a
dumbbell in your left hand above your head.
Keeping your left arm vertical, ease your hips
out to the left, and slide your bright hand down the inside of your right leg.
Slide your hand back up your leg to return to
the start position. Perform 15 reps on each side.

waist cincher
The bingo-wing banisher
This ‘clean and press’ is brilliant for
exercising the length of your arms.
Squat, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your
Stand up, bringing the dumbbell height, then
press them upwards overhead.
Reverse the process to return to the start
position and complete one rep.

bingo-wing banisher
Smart girls take their lunges along with their luggage, with a mini holiday
circuit they use to tone up in an instant. Before grabbing your towel, do these
three exercises, as recommended by celeb trainer Jon Denoris. They’ll engage
your major muscle groups to make your whole body look tauter.
20 reverse lunges to target your bum and legs.

20 mountain-climbers to engage the deepest
muscles in your core as well as your arms and legs

20 push-ups to lift your chest and engage your
shoulders and triceps

She enjoys eating the healthy stuff
Two weeks before going away, cut out sugar to reduce bloating. ‘It’s about
losing excess fluid, rather than weight,’ says Charlotte Watts, nutritional
therapist and author of The De-Stress Diet (Hay house, $ 20). ‘Nettle and
dandelion tea can also help. Also, beach goddesses know to add some lean
protein to each meal and cut carbs down a touch, to build muscle and shed fat.’
Think an egg-white omelette for breakfast, tuna with lunch and turkey at
Poolside: A
few simple menu mantras and you’ll feel bikini confident all week long
Breakfast is key: ‘Skip the sugary pastries at the buffet,’ says Charlotte.
‘Eggs are much better option – they’ll stop you craving sweet treats later in
the day. Protein-heavy foods like steak and fish are fantastic for lunch,’ says
Charlotte. ‘Just skip the chips and have with veg or salad.’ Also, drizzle your
food with the local olive oil. ‘It’s amazing for helping your body absorb
nutrients,’ she says.